Hubungan Antara Ekspresi Reseptor GnRH Tipe-II dengan Klinikopatologi dan Aktivitas Proliferasi pada Tissue Microarray Tumor Ovarium Langka
KIKY MARTHA ARIESAKA, dr. Muhammad Ary Zucha, Sp.OG. Ph.D; dr. Nungki Anggorowati, Sp.PA(K)., Ph.D
Latar Belakang: Aktivasi Gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptor type II (GnRHR-II) menunjukkan aktivitas antiproliferatif. GnRHR-II tidak hanya diekspresikan secara eksklusif di pituitari, namun juga di berbagai tumor. Hingga saat ini, relevansi klinis GnRHR-II pada tumor ovarium belum diketahui. Selain itu, hanya ada sedikit literatur yang membahas tentang GnRHR-II pada tumor ovarium terutama jenis langka.
Tujuan Penelitian: mengkaji hubungan antara ekspresi GnRHR-II dengan klinikopatologi dan aktivitas proliferasi tumor ovarium langka.
Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional analitik dengan desain cross sectional menggunakan 18 sampel tumor ovarium pada tissue microarray (TMA). Ekspresi GnRHR-II dan Ki67 dinilai menggunakan pewarnaan imunohistokimia (IHK) dan diamati menggunakan bantuan perangkat lunak ImageJ plugin IHC profiler untuk memperoleh H-score masing-masing. Hubungan ekspresi GnRHR-II dengan klinikopatologi dianalisis menggunakan independent t-test (2 variabel) atau ANOVA (>2 variabel). Korelasi GnRHR-II dan Ki67 dianalsis menggunakan uji Pearson, dan hubungan keduanya dianalisis menggunakan Fisher’s exact test. Nilai p<0>
Hasil Penelitian: GnRHR-II diekspresikan secara bervariasi pada tumor ovarium, membuktikan bahwa GnRHR-II juga diekspresikan di ekstrapituitari. Ekspresi GnRHR-II paling tinggi pada kelompok sex cord stromal tumor (SCST) yaitu sebesar 110,30 ± 23,89 (p<0 p=0,101). xss=removed p=0,866).>
Kesimpulan: Ekspresi GnRHR-II memiliki hubungan bermakna dengan klinikopatologi TMA tumor ovarium yang meliputi tipe histopatologi, usia, dan tumor primer. Ekspresi GnRHR-II tinggi berkorelasi dengan aktivitas proliferasi rendah, dengan kekuatan korelasi sangat lemah.
Kata Kunci: aktivitas proliferasi, GnRHR-II, Ki67, tumor ovarium langka, TMA.
Background: Gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptor type II (GnRHR-II) activation shows antiproliferative activity. GnRHR-II is not only expressed exclusively in the pituitary, but also in a variety of tumors. Until now, the clinical relevance of GnRHR-II in ovarian tumors is unknown. Moreover, there is little literature that discusses GnRHR-II in ovarian tumors, especially rare types.
Objectives: to analyze the correlation between GnRHR-II expression and clinicopathology and proliferative activity of rare ovarian tumors.
Methods: This study was an analytic observational study with a cross-sectional design using 18 ovarian tumor samples on tissue microarray (TMA). The expression of GnRHR-II and Ki67 was assessed using immunohistochemical staining (IHC) and observed using the IHC profiler plugin ImageJ software to obtain their respective H-scores. Analysis of GnRHR-II expression by clinicopathology using independent t-test (2 variables) or ANOVA (> 2 variables). GnRHR-II and Ki67 correlations were analyzed using Pearson's test, and their relationship was analyzed using Fisher's exact test. The value of p<0>
Results: GnRHR-II is expressed in ovarian tumors, providing that GnRHR-II is also expressed extrapituitary. GnRHR-II expression was highest in the sex cord stromal tumor (SCST) group, 110.30 ± 23.89 (p<0 p=0.101). xss=removed p=0.866).>
Conclusion: GnRHR-II expression has a significant relationship with the clinicopathology of TMA ovarian tumors including histopathological type, age, and primary tumor. High GnRHR-II expression is correlated with low proliferation activity, with very weak correlation strength.
Keywords: proliferative activity, GnRHR-II, Ki67, rare ovarian tumor, TMA.
Kata Kunci : aktivitas proliferasi, GnRHR-II, Ki67, tumor ovarium langka, TMA