Laporkan Masalah


Sukma Melati Mahalia, Dr.dr Bambang Supriyadi, Sp.Rad(K), MSK, MM; dr. Evi Artsini, Sp.Rad(K) TR

2023 | Tesis-Spesialis | S2 Radiologi

Latar Belakang: Cervical spondylosis myelopathy (CSM) merupakan sindrom klinis akibat penekanan medulla spinalis oleh karena proses degeneratif. Pengukuran Torg Pavlov merupakan salah satu metode dalam evaluasi awal stenosis canalis spinalis yang dilakukan pada radiografi lateral cervical. MRI merupakan modalitas baku emas dalam menilai kejadian dan menentukan derajat stenosis canalis spinalis yang bermanfaat dalam manajemen terapi. Namun ketersediaan MRI masih terbatas, sehingga diperlukan alat skrining awal dalam menilai kejadian dan derajat stenosis canalis spinalis pada CSM


Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui adanya korelasi antara rasio Torg Pavlov dan derajat stenosis canalis spinalis pada cervical


Metode: Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian cross sectional. Pengambilan data dilakukan secara retrospektif pada pasien dengan klinis CSM yang dilakukan pemeriksaan radiografi lateral cervical dan MRI cervical di Instalasi Radiologi RSUP Dr. Sardjito Yogyakarta pada bulan Januari 2018 hingga Desember 2022. Nilai rasio Torg Pavlov pada radiografi lateral cervical dikorelasikan dengan derajat stenosis canalis spinalis pada MRI


Hasil: Terdapat korelasi negatif yang signifikan antara rasio Torg Pavlov terhadap derajat stenosis canalis spinalis (nilai p = 0,00, p<0 xss=removed>



Rasio Torg Pavlov dapat memprediksi derajat stenosis canalis spinalis dan menjadi skrining awal dalam evaluasi cervical spondylosis myelopathyBackground: Cervical spondylosis myelopathy (CSM) is a clinical syndrome resulting from compression of the spinal cord due to a degenerative process. Pavlov's ratio is one of the methods in the initial evaluation of spinal canal stenosis performed on lateral cervical radiographs. MRI is the gold standard modality in assessing the incidence and determining the degree of spinal canal stenosis which is useful in therapeutic management. However, the availability of MRI is still limited, so an initial screening tool is needed to assess the incidence and degree of spinal canal stenosis in CSM.


Purpose: This study aims to determine the correlation between Torg Pavlov's ratio and the degree of cervical spinal canal stenosis


Method: This type of research uses a cross-sectional research design. Data collection was carried out retrospectively in patients with clinical CSM who underwent cervical lateral radiography and cervical MRI in the Radiology Installation of Dr. Sardjito Yogyakarta in January 2018 to December 2022. The Torg Pavlov ratio value on cervical lateral radiographs is correlated with the degree of spinal canal stenosis on MRI


Results: There was a significant negative correlation between Torg Pavlov's ratio and the degree of spinal canal stenosis (p value = 0.00, p<0 xss=removed>



The Torg Pavlov ratio can be used as an initial screening tool in the evaluation of cervical spondylosis myelopathy


Background: Cervical spondylosis myelopathy (CSM) is a clinical syndrome resulting from compression of the spinal cord due to a degenerative process. Pavlov's ratio is one of the methods in the initial evaluation of spinal canal stenosis performed on lateral cervical radiographs. MRI is the gold standard modality in assessing the incidence and determining the degree of spinal canal stenosis which is useful in therapeutic management. However, the availability of MRI is still limited, so an initial screening tool is needed to assess the incidence and degree of spinal canal stenosis in CSM.


Purpose: This study aims to determine the correlation between Torg Pavlov's ratio and the degree of cervical spinal canal stenosis


Method: This type of research uses a cross-sectional research design. Data collection was carried out retrospectively in patients with clinical CSM who underwent cervical lateral radiography and cervical MRI in the Radiology Installation of Dr. Sardjito Yogyakarta in January 2018 to December 2022. The Torg Pavlov ratio value on cervical lateral radiographs is correlated with the degree of spinal canal stenosis on MRI


Results: There was a significant negative correlation between Torg Pavlov's ratio and the degree of spinal canal stenosis (p value = 0.00, p<0 xss=removed>



The Torg Pavlov ratio can be used as an initial screening tool in the evaluation of cervical spondylosis myelopathy

Kata Kunci : Torg Pavlov, cervical, spinal canal stenosis, MRI, cervical radiograph

  1. SPESIALIS-2023-486144-abstract.pdf  
  2. SPESIALIS-2023-486144-bibliography.pdf  
  3. SPESIALIS-2023-486144-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. SPESIALIS-2023-486144-title.pdf