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Collaborative Governance Dalam Pengembangan Pariwisata Melalui film Heart Venture di Kabupaten Wonosobo.

Muhammad Fadhlan, Dr. AG. Subarsono, M.Si., M.A.


Saat ini, tren pariwisata telah berkembang menjadi lebih personal, mobile, dan interaktif dengan adopsi teknologi digital yang semakin meluas. Dalam pengembangannya, teknologi digital dianggap memiliki efektivitas empat kali lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan media konvensional. Dengan demikian, penggunaan teknologi digital dalam strategi promosi telah menjadi bagian integral dari ekosistem kepariwisataan. Belakangan ini konsep collaborative governance diterapkan melalui perfilman di Kabupaten Wonosobo sebagai upaya pengembangan sektor pariwisata. Collaborative governance sangat penting dalam penerapan kolaborasi pengembangan pariwisata di Kabupaten Wonosobo melalui film Heart Venture karena didalam kolaborasi ini tidak hanya melibatkan pemerintah tetapi juga swasta, masyarakat, dan komunitas. Tujuan kolaborasi ini adalah untuk mempromosikan, memeratakan serta meningkatkan kunjungan wisatawan ke beberapa lokasi wisata di Kabupaten Wonosobo yang belum ditonjolkan secara optimal, serta untuk meningkatkan pendapatan daerah. 

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami bagaimana implementasi proses tata kelola kolaboratif dalam pengembangan pariwisata melalui film Heart Venture di Kabupaten Wonosobo berdasarkan 5 (lima)  tahapan proses kolaborasi yang dikembangkan oleh Ansell dan Gash yaitu; 1. face-to-face dialog (dialog tatap muka), 2. trust building (membangun kepercayaan), 3. commitment to process (komitmen untuk proses), 4. shared understanding (pemahaman bersama), dan 5. Intermediate Outcome (hasil sementara). Penelitian ini juga membahas  hambatan dan tantangan dari implementasi collaborative governance dengan merujuk pada aspek dinamika kolaborasi (dynamic collaboration) berdasarkan 3  (tiga) indikator yaitu keterlibatan berprinsip, motivasi bersama, dan tindakan bersama. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan ialah observasi, penentuan informan, wawancara, dan studi dokumen. Wawancara dilakukan bersama perwakilan antar stakeholder yang terlibat dalam kolaborasi yaitu pemerintah, swasta, komunitas, dan masyarakat. 

Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa implementasi dari proses kolaborasi dalam pengembangan pariwisata melalui film Heart Venture sudah berjalan dengan baik. Bahwa tahapan-tahapan dalam proses kolaborasi sudah diterapkan dalam praktiknya. Indikator face-to-face dialog dalam kolaborasi dilakukan melalui beberapa pertemuan awal dan musyawarah dengan menyampaikan tujuan, visi dan misi. Dari segi comitment to process hal tersebut didasarkan pada perjanjian kerjasama yang disepakati antar stakeholders yang diwujudkan melalui penandatanganan kontrak perjanjian kerjasama (PKS) baik dari pemerintah, swasta, komunitas serta masyarakat. Dari sisi trust building antar stakeholder terbukti sudah terbangun dengan sangat baik. Hal tersebut dikarenakan visi dan tujuan yang dibawa dalam konteks ini masih sejalan yakni memperkenalkan, meningkatkan serta mengembangkan pariwisata yang berfokus pada unsur atraksi budaya, alam, minat khusus, serta atraksi buatan. intermediate outcomes, kolaborasi ini berdasarkan hasil pengamatan penulis cukup berhasil untuk meraih small wins dimana film tersebut banyak menghasilkan feedback positif baik dari masyarakat luar Kabupaten Wonosobo yang dibuktikan melalui banyaknya respon positif di platform YouTube, website maupun melalui masyarakat Wonosobo secara langsung melalui pemutaran film bersama di Gedung Arpusda Kabupaten Wonosobo. Adapun hambatan dan tantangan dari kolaborasi yaitu; 1) sumber daya manusia, 2) keterbatasan anggaran, 3) waktu, 4) cuaca, dan 5) pre histori. 

Currently, tourism trends have developed to become more personal, mobile, and interactive with the increasingly widespread adoption of digital technology. In its development, digital technology is considered to have four times higher effectiveness compared to conventional media. In fact, users of digital technology are considered four times more effective than conventional media. Thus, the use of digital technology in promotional strategies has become an integral part of the tourism ecosystem. Recently the concept of Collaborative Governance was applied through films in Wonosobo District as an effort to develop the tourism sector. Collaborative governance is very important in implementing collaborative tourism development in Wonosobo Regency through Film Heart Venture because this collaboration does not only involve the government, but also the private sector, the public and the community. The purpose of this collaboration is to promote, equalize, and increase tourist visits to several tourist sites in Wonosobo Regency which have not been optimally highlighted, as well as to increase regional income. 

This research aims to understand how the collaborative governance process is implemented in tourism development through the film Heart Venture in Wonosobo Regency based on the 5 (five) stages of the collaboration process developed by Ansell and Gash, namely; 1. face-to-face dialogue, 2. trust building, 3. commitment to process, 4. shared understanding, and 5. Intermediate Outcome This study also discusses the obstacles and challenges of the implementation of collaborative governance with reference to aspects of dynamic collaboration based on 3 (three) indicators, namely principled involvement, shared motivation, and joint action.This study used qualitative research methods.Data collection techniques The methods used were observation, determination of informants, interviews, and document studies. Interviews were conducted with representatives of stakeholders involved in the collaboration, namely government, private sector, community and society.

The results of this study are that the implementation of the collaborative process in tourism development through the Heart Venture film has gone well. That the stages in the collaboration process have been implemented in practice. Face-to-face dialogue indicators in collaboration are carried out through several initial meetings and deliberations by conveying goals, vision and mission. In terms of Commitment to process, this is based on a cooperation agreement agreed between stakeholders which is realized through the signing of a cooperation agreement contract (PKS) from the government, private sector, community and society. In terms of trust building between stakeholders, it has been proven that it has been built very well. This is because the vision and goals brought in this context are still in line, namely introducing, increasing and developing tourism that focuses on elements of cultural attractions, nature, special interests, and artificial attractions. intermediate outcomes, this collaboration based on the author's observations was quite successful in achieving small wins where the film generated a lot of positive feedback both from the community outside Wonosobo Regency as evidenced by the many positive responses on the YouTube platform, website and through the Wonosobo community directly through joint film screenings at the Arpusda building Wonosobo Regency. The obstacles and challenges of collaboration are; 1) human resources, 2) budget constraints, 3) time, 4) weather, and 5) pre history.


Kata Kunci : Collaborative governance, tourism development, collaboration process, dynamic collaboration, Heart Venture film.

  1. S2-2023-484890-abstract.pdf  
  2. S2-2023-484890-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S2-2023-484890-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S2-2023-484890-title.pdf