Pengembangan Sistem Informasi DataRawat Berbasis Web
SHAFIRA PUTRI ANANDA, Divi Galih Prasetyo, S.Kom.,M.Kom., Ph.D.
Medical records are patient health records based on the results of checkups, treatments, actions, and services that have been provided to patients. Several medical institutions have used an Electronic Medical Record (EMR). However, the medical record data can only be accessed locally at the health facility where they previously had checkups. This resulted in limited access rights for patients to their medical records if they wanted to pursue medicine at other health facilities.
Based on these problems, the DataRawat Information System was developed so patients could manage and share their medical record data with the desired group. Information on the history of the patient's medical record will make it easier for medical staff to search for patient medical record information, record medical history, and diagnose the patient's health more efficiently. This information system is developed using the incremental method, the Laravel framework, PHP and JavaScript programming languages, and PostgreSQL as a database.
The results indicate that the development of the DataRawat Information System can manage data such as medical record data, patient data, and hospital data and share data using medical records using an access link. This research can appropriately fulfill all the features in the needs analysis. In user acceptance testing, the results show a scale ranging from 42 to 48, or a percentage of 84% to 96%. In conclusion, the system in this category is very feasible to use.
Kata Kunci : sistem informasi kesehatan, pasien, datarawat, laravel