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Perbandingan Uji Validasi Skor Penapisan Covid-19 Pediatri Pre-Operatif RSUP Dr. Sardjito dan Tabriz University Iran

FUAD CIPTO UTOMO, Dr.dr.Djayanti Sari, M.Kes, Sp.An, KAP ; dr.Yunita Widyastuti, Sp.An, KAP, M.Kes, Ph.D


Latar Belakang : Identifikasi dini pasien Covid-19 merupakan hal yang sangat penting karena dapat membantu dalam terapi dan optimalisasi sumber daya kesehatan. Skor penapisan Covid-19 pre-operatif pediatri di RSUP Dr.Sardjito di rancang untuk dapat melakukan penapisan Covid-19 sebelum tindakan operasi. Hal yang sama terjadi pada skor penapisan Covid-19 pasien pediatri di Tabriz University Iran. Meskipun demikian, belum pernah dilakukan perbandingan uji validasi skor penapisan Covid-19 pada kedua model skor tersebut. Tujuan : Melakukan perbandingan uji validasi skor penapisan Covid-19 pre-operatif pasien pediatri RSUP Dr.Sardjito dengan skor penapisan Covid-19 Tabriz University Iran yang dikonfirmasi dengan Swab RT-PCR SARS CoV-2. Metode : Penelitian ini menggunakan desain observasional kohort retrospektif yang dilakukan di RSUP Dr. Sardjito. Pasien inklusi adalah anak usia >1 tahun dan <18 tahun, dilakukan skor penapisan Covid-19 pre-operatif di RSUP Dr.Sardjito. Kriteria eksklusi adalah data skor penapisan yang tidak lengkap. Hasil : Jumlah sampel penelitian adalah 227 pasien dengan rata-rata usia 5,8 tahun. Total pasien positif Covid-19 sebanyak 25 pasien. Nilai AUC untuk memprediksi kejadian suspek dan probable dari skor RSUP Dr. Sardjito dan skor Tabriz University Iran masing-masing adalah 0,8842 dan 0,8567. Didapatkan nilai p 0,0086 dengan perbedaan yang bermakna. Kesimpulan : Skor penapisan Covid-19 pediatri RSUP Dr. Sardjito memiliki validasi yang lebih baik secara statistik dibandingkan skor Tabriz University Iran dalam memprediksi awal kejadian Covid-19 pasien pediatri pre-operatif

Background : Early identification of patients with novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is importance and may aid in delivering proper treatment and optimizing use of resources. Dr.Sardjito hospital has Covid-19 scoring for pediatric patients, it designed to screen pediatric patients pre-procedural with suspicion of Covid-19. The same thing happened to the Covid-19 screening scores of pediatric patients at Tabriz University, Iran. Unfortunately, there has never been researched the comparison of validity both of them. Objective : Comparing the validation test of the pre-operative Covid-19 screening score of pediatric patients at Dr.Sardjito Hospital with the Tabriz University Iran Covid-19 screening score confirmed with SARS CoV-2 RT-PCR Swab. Methods : This study used a retrospective cohort observational design conducted at Dr. Sardjito Hospital. Inclusion patients were children aged >1 year and <18 years, pre-operative Covid-19 screening scores for pediatric were carried out at Dr. Sardjito Hospital. Exclusion criteria whereas pediatric patients whose screening score data were incomplete. Result : The number of study samples was 227 patients with an average age of 5.8 years. A total of 25 positive patients for Covid-19. The AUC value for predicting suspected and probable events from the Dr. Sardjito score and Tabriz University Iran score were 0.8842 and 0.8567, respectively. The p value was 0.0086 with a significant difference Conclusion : Pediatric Covid-19 screening score at RSUP Dr. Sardjito has a statistically better validation quality than Tabriz University Iran's score in predicting the early occurrence of Covid-19 in pre-operative pediatric patients.

Kata Kunci : Validation, Pediatric, Pre-operative, Dr.Sardjito's Hospital Covid-19 screening score for pediatric patients, Tabriz University Iran's Score.

  1. SPESIALIS-2023-450525-abstract.pdf  
  2. SPESIALIS-2023-450525-bibliography.pdf  
  3. SPESIALIS-2023-450525-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. SPESIALIS-2023-450525-title.pdf