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Maturitas Interoperabilitas Rekam Medis di Rumah Sakit Singaparna Medika Citrautama Tasikmalaya

Ida Wahyuni, Lukman Heryawan, S.T., M.T., PhD


Latar belakang: Transformasi kesehatan membawa perubahan peran rumah sakit dan organisasi kesehatan lain untuk mendukung digitalisasi. Transformasi kesehatan di Indonesia di arahkan kepada tercapainya satu data kesehatan. Platform Satu Sehat merupakan adopsi interoperabilitas kesehatan berstandar internasional. Interoperabilitas data kesehatan menjadi kunci pelayanan kesehatan komprehensif. Integrasi dapat dilakukan jika suatu sistem berkapasitas interoperable. Aspek teknis dan non-teknis menjadi dimensi parameter maturitas interoperabilitas suatu sistem. Studi kasus ini dilakukan di salah satu rumah sakit pemerintah daerah di Provinsi Jawa Barat. Rumah sakit daerah mengusung 20% rumah sakit publik milik pemerintah. Sekaitan dengan visi interoperabilitas nasional, maka pengkajian kesiapan interoperabilitas penting dilakukan. Tujuan: Mengeksplorasi maturitas interoperabilitas rekam medis di RSUD SMC Tasikmalaya. Metode: Rancangan penelitian kualitatif melalui wawancara mendalam terhadap 11 partisipan untuk mengeksplorasi interoperabilitas rekam medis berdasarkan kerangka aspek maturitas interoperabilitas. Hasil: Maturitas interoperabilitas rekam medis di RSUD SMC berada pada fase persiapan. Standarisasi perangkat sebagai persyaratan kompatibilitas sistem sudah diterapkan. Saat ini rumah sakit dihadapkan dengan tantangan interoperabilitas teknis baik pemenuhan kepatuhan variabel data rekam medis, tantangan kualitas sistem dan mutu informasi rekam medis, serta keamanan data di rumah sakit. Untuk itu, diperlukan dukungan maturitas pada aspek kepemimpinan dan tata kelola teknologi informasi untuk penguatan investasi digital, dan kerjasama vendor. Fungsionalitas sumber daya manusia dalam penyelenggaraan sistem informasi melalui dukungan peningkatan kapasitas SDM untuk front dan back end developer, ahli perekam medis, dan data engineer yang sejalan dengan penguatan infrastruktur teknologi. Metode SWOT dilakukan untuk merumuskan strategi peningkatan kapasitas rumah sakit dalam kolaborasi pertukaran data di Indonesia. Kesimpulan: Interoperabilitas rekam medis yang lebih matang di rumah sakit dapat tercapai melalui pemenuhan tantangan dalam standarisasi variabel rekam medis, peningkatan kualitas sistem RME, manajemen mutu informasi rekam medis, dengan mempertimbangkan keamanan dan privasi data terstandar. Penatalaksanaan aspek tata kelola, SDM, dan teknologi terhadap system informasi di rumah sakit sangat diperlukan untuk strategi lebih lanjut mencapai interoperabilitas organisasional.

Background: Health transformation brings a change in the role of hospitals and other health organizations to support digitization. Health transformation in Indonesia is aimed at achieving one health data. The Satu Sehat platform is the adoption of international standard health interoperability. Health data interoperability is the key to comprehensive health services. Integration can be done if a system is interoperable. Technical and non-technical aspects become dimensions of the interoperability maturity parameters of a system. This case study was conducted at a local government hospital in West Java Province. Regional hospitals carry 20% of government-owned public hospitals. Concerning the vision of national interoperability, it is important to assess interoperability readiness. Objective: To explore the interoperability maturity of medical records in RSUD SMC Tasikmalaya. Method: A qualitative research design through in-depth interviews with 11 participants to explore the interoperability of medical records based on the framework of interoperability maturity aspects. Results: The maturity interoperability of medical records at RSUD SMC is in the preparation phase. Device standardization as a system compatibility requirement has been implemented. Currently, hospitals are faced with technical interoperability challenges, both compliance with medical record data variables, system quality challenges, and medical record information quality, as well as data security in hospitals. For this reason, maturity support is needed in aspects of information technology leadership and governance to strengthen digital investment and vendor cooperation. The functionality of human resources in the implementation of information systems through the support of human resource capacity building for front and back-end developers, medical record experts, and data engineers is in line with the strengthening of technology infrastructure. Formulation of strategies through the SWOT method for increasing hospital capacity in collaborative data exchange in Indonesia. Conclusion: Medical record interoperability maturity in hospitals can be achieved by challenges releases in standardizing medical record variables, improving the quality of the RME system, quality management of medical record information, and taking into account standardized data security and privacy. Management of the three aspects of leadership and governance, HR, and technology in hospitals is urgently needed for further strategies for organizational interoperability.

Kata Kunci : Maturitas, Interoperabilitas, Rekam Medis, Rumah Sakit

  1. S2-2021-484411-abstract.pdf  
  2. S2-2021-484411-ABSTRAK DAN ABSTRACT.pdf  
  3. S2-2021-484411-BIBLIOGRAPHY.pdf  
  4. S2-2021-484411-TABLEofCONTENT.pdf  
  5. S2-2023-484411-abstract.pdf  
  6. S2-2023-484411-bibliography.pdf  
  7. S2-2023-484411-tableofcontent.pdf  
  8. S2-2023-484411-TITLE.pdf