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Succes Supporting Factors and Development Obstacles on Implementing Village Funds Study Case: Village of Enggros in the City of Jayapura, Papua

ANUGRAH C L W, Gabriel Lele, Dr. Phil, S.I.P., M. Si, Bevaola Kusumasari Dr., S.I.P., M. Si, Nurul Dwi Purwanti S. I. P., M. P. A.


Village fund is one of the most crucial policy that is implemented during President Joko Widodo’s regime. With village fund program, each village in Indonesia receives about 1 billion rupiahs per year. This policy has been helpful in many aspects for the Indonesian citizens, especially for those who live in the rural areas. Village funds opened many opportunities for the citizens and help decrease the unemployment rate. With village funds, many villages have introduced new tourism spots, for example. This helps in increasing the budget of the village and helps many locals to get new jobs. With a high village budget, more opportunities are open for children to get a better education and health system. On the other hand, the practice of village funds are still not implemented well in many villages. Many villages in Indonesia fail to develop their village according to the domestic regulations on village development. Therefore, the researcher is curious about what makes up a good village fund management. After the findings in the previous chapters, hopefully, villages that have problems with managing village funds can use this thesis to help on their village development. This thesis ought to seek awareness from the locals that the use of village funds has to be transparent and full of responsibility from village apparatus.

The purpose of this study was to see and analyze the processes of supporting and inhibiting village fund allocation policies in Enggros Village, Abepura District, Jayapura City. The results showed that the implementation of village fund allocation policies in Enggros Village was generally well implemented. With this, various supporting factors were found in the implementation of village fund allocation policies in Enggros that could be imitated by surrounding villages. This fact is revealed from five aspects of village fund management policy implementation consisting of transparency, accountability, responsibility, independence, and equality and fairness. Implementation of village fund allocation policies requires structuring resources that have competence in managing village fund allocation policies. However, the management of human resources is incompetent, there is no standard operating procedure (SOP) available, and the successful implementation of the village fund allocation policy is very closely related to the inter-executive unit. However, this is not an obstacle for Enggros village because in general the allocation and management of village funds is managed in a transparent manner and promotes community participation.

Kata Kunci : Dana Desa

  1. S1-2023-405709-abstract.pdf  
  2. S1-2023-405709-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S1-2023-405709-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S1-2023-405709-title.pdf