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Determining Jurisdiction of the Indonesian Courts and the BANI Arbitral Tribunal, and the Lawfulness of a BANI Arbitral Award Based on the Ex Aequo Et Bono Principle: a Study of an Annulment Proceeding under Case No. 456/Pdt.G/2021/Jkt.Pst

RAVI AMARENDRA, Royhan Akbar, S.H., LL.M.

2023 | Skripsi | S1 HUKUM

Penelitian Hukum ini didasarkan pada Perkara No. 456/Pdt.G/2021/Jkt.Pst. Pembahasannya berkisar tentang kewenangan Pengadilan TUN dan majelis BANI, serta pembatalan Putusan BANI berdasarkan ex aequo et bono. Tujuannya adalah: menentukan penerapan ideal dari UU 30/1999 mengenai (1) kewenangan Pengadilan TUN untuk mengadili suatu objek sengketa yang sejatinya terikat pada perjanjian arbitrase dan (2) justifikasi permohonan pembatalan sesuai Pasal 70 UU 30/1999 terhadap Putusan BANI yang berdasarkan ex aequo et bono. Penulis menggunakan metode penelitian hukum normatif terhadap data sekunder yang telah dikumpulkan melalui penelitian kepustakaan. Terhadap data tersebut, Penulis menganalisis dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Pada kesimpulannya, (1) objek sengketa harus dibedakan secara tegas untuk memungkinkan kewenangan Pengadilan TUN dan majelis arbitrase BANI, di mana terdapat perjanjian arbitrase. Selanjutnya, (2) Putusan BANI berdasarkan ex aequo et bono mungkin saja dibatalkan sepanjang permohonan pembatalan tersebut didasarkan pada ketentuan Pasal 70 UU 30/1999, yang bersifat limitatif dan tidak dapat disimpangi.

This Legal Research is based on Case No. 456/Pdt.G/2021/Jkt.Pst, wherein it covers discussion of jurisdiction of the Administrative Courts and the BANI tribunal, and annulment of the BANI Award based on ex aequo et bono. Its aims are two-fold: determine the ideal application of Law 30/1999 on (1) jurisdiction of the Administrative Courts to adjudicate a matter principally bound by an arbitration agreement and (2) justification for annulment petition under Article 70 of Law 30/1999 of the BANI Award based on ex aequo et bono. Here, the author employs a normative approach of secondary data collected by means of comprehensive literature research. The analysis thereof is qualitatively conducted by relying on those collected data. In its conclusions, (1) distinction of the dispute matters must be strictly determined to enable jurisdiction of the Administrative Courts and the BANI tribunal, where an arbitration agreement is present. Further, (2) annulment of the BANI Award based on ex aequo et bono may be justified insofar the petition is limited to the exhaustive grounds of Article 70 of Law 30/1999.

Kata Kunci : Arbitration, Jurisdiction, Administrative Court, District Court, Arbitral Tribunal, Ex Aequo Et Bono, Annulment, Law No. 30/1999

  1. S1-2023-423055-abstract.pdf  
  2. S1-2023-423055-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S1-2023-423055-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S1-2023-423055-title.pdf