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Pidana Tambahan Pengumuman Putusan Hakim: Antara Eksistensi dan Urgensi Pengaturan dalam Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Pidana Baru

MUHAMMAD IBNU PRARISTA, Dr. Supriyadi, S.H., M.Hum.,

2023 | Skripsi | S1 HUKUM

Penelitian ini memiliki 2 (dua) tujuan. Pertama, menelusuri dan menganalisis eksistensi penerapan pidana tambahan pengumuman putusan hakim dalam yurisprudensi perkara pidana di Indonesia. Kedua, mengetahui dan menganalisis urgensi pengaturan pengumuman putusan hakim sebagai pidana tambahan dalam KUHP Baru. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian hukum normatif dengan sifat deskriptif dan eksploratoris. Cara pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan melakukan studi dokumenter dengan mengkaji berbagai putusan pengadilan yang mengandung frasa "pengumuman putusan hakim" dan merupakan perkara pidana yang diunggah pada direktori putusan Mahkamah Agung, serta dilakukan wawancara mendalam yang baik kepada ahli hukum pidana, tim perumus KUHP Baru, Hakim, dan Jaksa. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis konten (content analysis). Penelitian ini memiliki dua kesimpulan. Pertama, hanya ditemukan 1 yurisprudensi yang menjatuhkan pidana tambahan berupa pengumuma putusan hakim, namun pengumuman putusan hakim dalam yurisprudensi a quo dijatuhkan dengan tujuan untuk memberi informasi kepada terdakwa terkait hak mengajukan upaya hukum terkait vonis yang dijatuhkan, karena peradilan dilaksanakan secara in absentia. Hal tersebut tentu berbeda dengan konsep dan tujuan pengumuman putusan hakim sebagai pidana tambahan, sehingga dapat disimpulkan belum ditemukan eksistensi penerapan pengumuman putusan hakim dalam yurisprudensi perkara pidana di Indonesia. Kedua, masih terdapat urgensi pengaturan kembali pengumuman putusan hakim sebagai pidana tambahan dalam KUHP Baru yang dapat ditinjau dari berbagai perspektif. Namun demikian, pengaturan pengumuman putusan hakim dalam KUHP Baru belum dapat dikatakan sempurna, utamanya terkait permasalahan batasan definisi dan tata cara pelaksanaan pengumuman putusan hakim yang masih menjadi catatan.

This research has 2 (two) objectives. First, to explore and analyze the existence of application of additional punishment announcement of judge's verdict in the jurisprudence of criminal cases in Indonesia. Second, to find out and analyze the urgency of regulating the announcement of judge's verdict as an additional punishment in the New Criminal Code. This research is normative legal research with descriptive and exploratory nature of research. The method of data collection is conducted by conducting a documentary study examining various court decisions that contain the phrase "announcement of judge's verdict" and are criminal cases uploaded in the Supreme Court decision directory, as well as in-depth interviews with criminal law experts, the drafting team of the New Criminal Code, Judges, and Prosecutors. The data analysis technique used is content analysis. Based on the results of research and discussion obtained 2 (two) conclusions. First, there is only 1 jurisprudence that imposes additional punishment in the form of announcement of judge's verdict, but the announcement of judge's verdict in the jurisprudence a quo is imposed to provide information to the defendant regarding the right to file legal remedies related to the verdict imposed because the trial is conducted in absentia. This is certainly different from the concept and purpose of the announcement of the judge's verdict as an additional punishment, so it can be concluded that there is no existence of the application of the announcement of the judge's verdict in the jurisprudence of criminal cases in Indonesia. Second, there is still an urgency to re-regulate the announcement of judge's verdict as an additional punishment in the New Criminal Code which can be viewed from various perspectives. However, the regulation of the announcement of judge's verdict in the New Criminal Code cannot be said to be perfect, especially related to the issue of definition limitations and procedures for the implementation of the announcement of judge's verdict which is still a note.

Kata Kunci : Eksistensi, KUHP Baru, Pengumuman Putusan Hakim, Urgensi.

  1. S1-2023-441863-abstract.pdf  
  2. S1-2023-441863-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S1-2023-441863-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S1-2023-441863-title.pdf