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Organizational Communication Climate in Hybrid Working Environment: A Case Study in Olrange Digital Marketing and Advertising Agency

VIONA ALIFIA A, Acniah Damayanti, S.I.P., M.Sc.

2023 | Skripsi | S1 ILMU KOMUNIKASI

Norma kerja baru di Indonesia sebagai sistem kerja hybrid menghasilkan perspektif baru tentang bagaimana iklim komunikasi organisasi terbentuk. Iklim komunikasi organisasi menjadi penting karena menghubungkan lingkungan organisasi dengan ide, emosi, dan harapan anggota organisasi serta membantu memahami perilaku mereka. Penelitian ini kemudian menginvestigasi enam dimensi iklim komunikasi organisasi dalam lingkungan kerja hybrid dari Olrange Digital Marketing and Advertising Agency. Dengan melakukan penelitian kualitatif, penelitian ini berhasil mengumpulkan empat informan dari seluruh level struktur organisasi Olrange yang mengalami lingkungan kerja hybrid di industri kreatif. Dengan demikian, hasilnya menunjukkan iklim komunikasi organisasi yang baik dengan penyelesaian masalah miss communication yang terjadi selama adaptasi sistem kerja hybrid. Secara keseluruhan, hybrid working merupakan sistem kerja yang adaptif dalam jangka panjang dan tidak merusak produktivitas kerja yang dibangun oleh tenaga kerja.

The new working norm in Indonesia as the hybrid working system is resulting new perspective on how organizational communication climate is formed. The organizational communication climate becomes crucial because it connects the organizational environment to the ideas, emotions, and expectations of organization members and helps to understand their behavior. This research then investigates the six dimensions of organizational communication climate in a hybrid working environment of Olrange Digital Marketing and Advertising Agency. By conducting qualitative research, this study has collected four informants from all levels of the Olrange organizational structure who experience a hybrid working environment in the creative industry. Accordingly, the result indicates a good organizational communication climate with completion in missed communication issues that occur during the adaptation of the hybrid working system. Overall, hybrid working is an adaptable working system in the long run and does not undermine the work productivity built by the workforce.

Kata Kunci : Hybrid Working, Organizational Communication Climate, Creative Industry, and Work Productivity.

  1. S1-2023-444355-abstract.pdf  
  2. S1-2023-444355-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S1-2023-444355-tableofcontents.pdf