GILANG TRISANDYA, Tapiheru Joash Stephen S.I.P., M.A., PhD
2023 | Tesis | MAGISTER POLITIK DAN PEMERINTAHANPenelitian ini mengkaji tentang program peremajaan perkebunan kelapa sawit rakyat yang bersumber dari dana BPDPKS di kabupaten Oku Sumatera Selatan menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif analisis. Penelitian ini dibantu oleh teori one dimmensional view of power Robert Dahl sebagai kerangka pikir. Penelitian ini akan menggambarkan dan menganalisis program peremajaan kebun kelapa sawit di kabupaten Oku. Kebijakan peremajaan ini berpengaruh terhadap program kemitraan yang selama ini berlangsung antara perusahaan inti sawit yaitu PT. Minanga Ogan dengan koperasi unit desa minanga ogan dan PT. Mitra Ogan dengan koperasi unit desa Perkasa Jaya. Dalam penelitian ini penulis juga menjelaskan bagaimana peran aktor dalam menyukseskan pelaksanaan peremajaan di koperasi unit desa Perkasa Jaya dan menjelaskan hambatan proses pengajuan di koperasi Minanga Ogan. Dengan penemuan data dilapangan penulis mengelaborasi tentang dampak dan kondisi sosial ekonomi petani sawit yang mengikuti program peremajaan sawit rakyat di kabupaten Oku. Penelitian ini terdiri dari 4 (empat) bab diluar kesimpulan. Bab pertama memuat persiapan penelitian. Bab 2 (dua) memuat kajian program peremajaan kelapa sawit. Adapun bab 3 (tiga) memuat tentang dua bagian. Bagian pertama menjelaskan tentang temuan dilapangan dinamika dan gambaran umum proses perencanan hingga pelaksanaan peremajaan sawit di koperasi unit desa perkasa jaya dan bagian kedua memuat tentang proses perencanaan peremajaan perkebunan sawit di koperasi unit desa minanga ogan. Pada bab 4 (empat) memuat tentang analisa temuan di bab 3 ( tiga) menggunakan teori one dimmesional view of power Robert Dahl. Akhirnya, dipandu oleh rumusan masalah ‘’ Bagaimana peran aktor dalam pelaksanaan program peremajaan perkebunan kelapa sawit dari dana BPDPKS di koperasi unit desa Perkasa Jaya dan perencanaan peremajaan di koperasi unit desa Minanga Ogan dianalisis menggunakan teori wajah kekuasaan one dimmensional view of power Robert Dahl sampai pada kesimpulan bahwa peran aktor sangat penting dalam menyukseskan program peremajaan kelapa sawit yang bersumber dari dana hibah BPDPKS. Dan dengan teori one dimmesional view of power Robert Dahl telah menguatkan kesimpulan bahwa dana peremajaan dari BPDPKS harus digunakan sesuai dengan tujuan utamanya yaitu membantu biaya peremajaan kebun sawit rakyat demi kesejahteraan.
This study examines the implementation of smallholder oil palm plantation rejuvenation policies sourced from BPDPKS funds in Oku district, South Sumatra. This research is assisted by Robert Dahl's one dimensional view of power theory as a framework. Power has limited the space for oil palm farmers to manage their plantations. There is a government policy regarding the oil palm plantation rejuvenation program originating from the BPDPKS grant fund. This study will also describe the advantages, disadvantages, and obstacles in implementing oil palm rejuvenation in Oku district. This rejuvenation policy affects the partnership program that has been going on between palm kernel companies, namely PT. Minanga Ogan with the cooperative unit of the village of minanga ogan and PT. Ogan's partner with the Perkasa Jaya village unit cooperative. This study describes the role of actors in the planning and implementation process of oil palm plantation rejuvenation in the Perkasa Jaya village unit cooperative which successfully carried out rejuvenation in Oku district, South Sumatra. This research will also describe the planning process for rejuvenation of oil palm plantations in the cooperative unit of the village of Minanga Ogan. This research consists of 4 (four) chapters beyond the conclusion. The first chapter contains research preparation. Chapter 2 (two) contains a study of the oil palm rejuvenation program. The chapter 3 (three) contains two parts. The first part describes the findings in the field of dynamics and an overview of the planning process to the implementation of oil palm rejuvenation in the Perkasa Jaya village unit cooperative and the second part contains the planning process for oil palm rejuvenation in the Minanga Ogan village unit cooperative. Chapter 4 (four) contains the analysis of findings in chapter 3 (three) using Robert Dahl's one dimensional view of power theory. Finally, guided by the problem formulation ''How is the role of actors in the implementation of the oil palm plantation rejuvenation program from BPDPKS funds in the Perkasa Jaya village unit cooperative and the planning for oil palm rejuvenation in the Minanga ogan village unit cooperative, Ogan Komering Ulu Regency, South Sumatra, analyzed using the theory of one power. Dimensional view of power Robert Dahl came to the conclusion that the role of actors is very important in the success of the oil palm rejuvenation program sourced from the BPDPKS grant. And with the theory of one dimensional view of power, Robert Dahl has strengthened the conclusion that the rejuvenation fund from BPDPKS should be used to address the costs of rejuvenating smallholder oil palm plantations, not for other expenses. Keywords: Power; Palm oil rejuvenation program; Oil palm farmers
Kata Kunci : Power; Aktor; Program peremajaan kelapa sawit; Petani kelapa sawit