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Potret Kerja dan Resiliensi Generasi Muda Pekerja Lepas pada Sektor Ekonomi Platform Kreatif- Digital

DEVI YULIANITA V B Q, Suzanna Eddyono, M.Si., M.A., Ph.D.


Berkembangnya industri platformisasi yang semakin pesat, pada satu sisi berkontribusi besar terhadap lapangan pekerjaan. Namun di sisi lain ternyata platformisasi menghilangkan jenis kerja tetap dan memunculkan informalisasi baru pada kerja-kerja berbasis platform yang dicirikan sebagai mode fleksibilitas pasar kerja. Implikasi dari sistem pasar kerja fleksibel, pekerja terjebak dalam praktik kerja rentan yang ditandai dengan adanya upah, jam kerja, jaminan sosial, sistem kerja yang tidak pasti dan kerja-kerja temporer (Standing, 2011). Generasi muda terutama di negara-negara berkembang, merupakan salah satu bagian terbesar dari kelas prekariat. Padahal, generasi muda potensial mendongkrak perekonomian negara melalui lapangan pekerjaan-pekerjaan baru di sektor ekonomi kreatif- digital. Selain itu pekerja di industri kreatif- digital atau pekerja gig economy ini juga belum mendapatkan prioritas di mata pemangku kebijakan terkait perlindungan sosial. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, bagaimana potret kerja pekerja lepas dan bagaimana relisiensi pekerja di sektor ekonomi kreatif- digital?. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat potret kerja dan resiliensi generasi muda pekerja lepas di sektor ekonomi kreatif- digital. Manfaat dari penelitian ini ialah memberikan pemahaman mengenai isu ketenagakerjaan terkait, yang kemudian potensial dalam mendorong kebijakan yang inklusif terhahap pekerja informal utamanya pekerja lepas di sektor ekonomi kreatif- digital yang selama ini belum mendapatkan prioritas di mata pemangku kebijakan. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif dengan teknik wawancara mendalam pada 5 orang informan anak muda mahasiswa/ fresh graduate. Penelitian dilakukan pada Februari-Juni 2022. Analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan analisis tematik. Penelitian ini menggunakan kerangka decent work (kerja layak) oleh ILO, kerangka fair-work dan teori agensi oleh Antony Giddens. Hasil penelitian ini terdiri dari tiga hal; pertama, pada sistem platform, platform Fastwork merepresentasikan mode kerja yang fleksibel. Selain itu, sistem kerja yang fleksibel ini berimplikasi pada hubungan kerja yang baru, yang justru mengendalikan para pekerja. Kedua, pada potret kerja, terdapat kondisi kerja yang belum sepenuhnya memenuhi prinsip yang terdapat baik dalam konsep kerja layak (decent work) maupun konsep kerja adil (fair work). Kondisi kerja berdasarkan konsep kerja layak (decent work) antara lain: perusahaan platform hanya memenuhi aspek kesempatan pekerjaan bagi pekerja dan sebagian dari aspek workers rights (hak-hak pekerja), namun pada indikator jaminan sosial dam dialog sosial belum terpenuhi. Sementara kondisi kerja berdasarkan konsep kerja adil (fair work) antara lain: pekerja menghadapi ketidakstabilan pendapatan, kondisi kerja yang overwork dan overtime, kontrak kerja yang tidak dapat ditolak oleh pekerja, manajemen yang mengatur proses kerja hanya dilakukan sepihak oleh platform, tidak adanya transparansi mengenai sistem algoritma pada platform, serta tidak adanya representasi pekerja dikarenakan kondisi kerja yang individual di kalangan para pekerja telah membuat mereka sulit berorganisasi maupun berkolektif. Ketiga, pada resiliensi, terdapat upaya pekerja untuk tetap bertahan melalui kolektifitas, namun hal tersebut masih meyangkut kepentingan individu, bukan pada kepentingan kelompok pekerja yang lebih luas secara struktural.

The rapid development of the platformization industry, on the one hand, has significantly contributed to employment. However, on the other hand, it turns out that platformization eliminates permanent employment and creates a new informalization of platform-based jobs which are characterized as a mode of job market flexibility. A flexible job market system implies that workers are trapped in vulnerable work practices which are marked by uncertain wages, working hours, social security, work systems, and temporary jobs (Standing, 2011). The young generation, especially in developing countries, is one of the largest parts of the precariat class. In fact, the young generation has the potential to rise the country's economy through new jobs in the digital-creative economy sector. Besides, workers in the digital-creative industries or gig economy workers also have not received priority from policymakers regarding social protection. Based on the explanation, what is the portrait of the work of freelancers and how is the resilience of workers in the digital-creative economy sector? This study aims to look at the portrait of the work and resilience of the young generation of freelancers in the digital-creative economy sector. The advantage of this study is to provide an understanding of related employment issues, which then has the potential to encourage inclusive policies for informal workers, especially freelancers in the digital-creative economy sector, who have not received priority from policymakers so far. This research method used a type of qualitative research with in-depth interview techniques on 5 young student/fresh graduate informants. The study was conducted from February to June 2022. The data analysis in this study used thematic analysis. This study used the ILO's decent work framework, fair-work framework, and agency theory by Antony Giddens. The results of this study consist of three aspects; first, on the platform system, the Fastwork platform represents a flexible working mode. In addition, this flexible work system has implications for new employment relationships, which actually control workers. Second, in the portrait of the work, there are working conditions that have not fully fulfilled the principles contained in both the decent work concept and the fair work concept. Working conditions based on the concept of decent work include: platform companies only fulfill aspects of job opportunities for workers and part of the aspects of worker rights, but the indicators of social security and social dialogue have not been fulfilled. Meanwhile, working conditions based on the concept of fair work include: workers face income instability, overwork and overtime working conditions, work contracts that cannot be refused by workers, management that regulates the work process is only carried out unilaterally by the platform, there is no transparency regarding algorithmic system on the platform, as well as the absence of worker representation due to the individual working conditions among workers which have made it difficult for them to organize or work collectively. Third, in resilience, there is an effort by workers to survive collectively, but this remains related to individual interests, not to the interests of a broader group of workers structurally.

Kata Kunci : decent work, platform economy, young generation

  1. S2-2023-453140-abstract.pdf  
  2. S2-2023-453140-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S2-2023-453140-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S2-2023-453140-title.pdf