Dampak Program Bantuan Produktif Usaha Mikro (BPUM) terhadap Keberlangsungan Usaha Mikro di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 di Indonesia
Yosefi Natalita Br Sembiring, Heni Wahyuni, M.Ec.Dev., Ph.D.
2023 | Tesis | Magister Ekonomika PembangunanPandemi Covid-19 berdampak serius terhadap keberlangsungan usaha mikro kecil dan menengah (UMKM) di Indonesia. Untuk mendukung UMKM yang memberikan kontribusi sekitar 60% terhadap PDB dapat tetap bertahan dan bangkit kembali di tengah pandemi COVID-19, pemerintah meluncurkan Bantuan Produktif Usaha Mikro (BPUM) yaitu bantuan berupa hibah modal kerja kepada pelaku usaha mikro yang tidak sedang menerima kredit atau pembiayaan perbankan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dampak program BPUM terhadap keberlangsungan usaha mikro di masa pandemi Covid-19 di Indonesia. Data yang digunakan adalah The Indonesia High-frequency Phone-based Monitoring of Covid-19 Impacts on Households (HiFy) gelombang 1, 2, 3, 5, dan 6 tahun 2000-2021. Alat analisis yang digunakan adalah Difference in Difference (DiD) dengan pengujian Asumsi Tren Paralel. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa program BPUM secara signifikan berpengaruh terhadap keberlangsungan usaha mikro selama selama pandemi Covid-19 di Indonesia yang diukur dari profit usaha. Rumah tangga yang memperoleh program BPUM memiliki peningkatan profit lebih besar dibandingkan dengan rumah tangga yang tidak memperoleh program BPUM.
The Covid-19 pandemic has had a serious impact on the sustainability of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in Indonesia. To support MSMEs that contribute around 60% of GDP to survive and bounce back amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the government launched Presidential Productive Assistance for Micro Enterprises Program (BPUM), which is assistance in the form of working capital grants to micro entrepreneurs who are not receiving credit or bank financing. This study aims to analyze the impact of the BPUM program on the sustainability of micro businesses during the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia. The data used is The Indonesia High-frequency Phone-based Monitoring of Covid-19 Impacts on Households (HiFy) waves 1, 2, 3, 5, and 6 of 2000-2021. The analysis tool used is Difference in Difference (DID) with Parallel Trend Assumption testing. The results showed that the BPUM program significantly affected the sustainability of micro businesses during the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia as measured by business profit. Households that obtain the BPUM program have a greater increase in profit compared to households that do not obtain the BPUM program.
Kata Kunci : Covid-19, BPUM, Keberlangsungan Usaha, Usaha Mikro, Difference in Difference (DiD)