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Peran Pemerintah Daerah Dalam Pemberdayaan UMKM (Usaha Mikro, Kecil Dan Menengah) Sektor Kain Tenun (Studi Pada UMKM Masyarakat Suku Baduy Luar)

SORAYA FITRI MANALU, Dr. Subando Agus Margono, M.Si.


Masyarakat Baduy Luar memiliki adat istiadat yang sangat kental dengan kearifan lokal. Mereka sangat memegang teguh aturan adat yang sudah berlaku sejak dahulu. Kehidupan yang sangat sederhana, disiplin, dan tekun menjadi gaya hidup sehari-hari. Hal ini terlihat dari bagaimana mereka menenun menggunakan alat tradisional sejak turun temurun. Menenun merupakan mata pencaharian tambahan selain bertani. Bahan dasar yang digunakan dari sumber kekayaan alam yang ada dan menjadi icon bagi provinsi Banten. Berkembangnya teknologi sangat membantu pemberdayaan UMKM masyarakat kabupaten Lebak, karena tidak terlepas dari peran pemerintah daerah dalam memberdayakan hasil kerajinan tradisional, khususnya kain tenun Baduy Luar yang semakin dikenal. Berbagai upaya Pemda yang dilakukan diantaranya sebagai Regulator, memberi kemudahan akses perijinan berusaha, memberikan Hak Paten menjadi Hak Kekayaan Intelektual terhadap 20 motif kain tenun Baduy di tahun 2017 dan himbauan Bupati Lebak “Bela beli produk Lebak” bagi masyarakatnya serta mewajibkan pegawainya menggunakan batik dan syal Baduy saat berkantor. Sebagai Dinamisator, berkontribusi dengan Dinkop & UKM memberi dana hibah kepada Dekranasda dalam mendukung berbagai pelatihan dan membantu tunjangan modal untuk pengembangan usaha melalui BLT. Sebagai Fasilitator, menyediakan fasilitas untuk pelatihan, membuka peluang pasar dengan memanfaatkan E-commerce, mempromosikan tenun Baduy ke mancanegara melalui para desainer muda dibawah asosiasi Cita Tenun Indonesia, membuka gerai Plaza Lebak, serta mengikuti fashion show festival dan ajang pameran tenun/batik lainnya. Sedangkan untuk bantuan modal dengan suku bunga lunak, masyarakat Baduy Luar dibatasi high regulated dalam SOP Perbankan.

The Outer Baduy people have a set of customs loaded with local wisdom. Strongly adhering to the customary rules that have been practiced for a very long time, they lead a very simple, disciplined and hardworking lifestyle in their daily life as seen, for example, in how they weave using traditional tools that have been passed down from generation to generation. Besides farming, weaving serves as an additional means of earning a living for the community, which is also an icon for the Banten Province. They use basic materials derived from their existing rich natural resources. The development of technology is very helpful in empowering MSMEs in the Lebak regency community, which cannot be separated from the role of the local government in promoting traditional handicraft products, especially the increasingly recognized Outer Baduy’s woven fabrics. As the regulator, the local government has made various efforts to help the community by, among others, providing easy access to business permits, granting intellectual property rights or patents for 20 woven fabric motifs of Baduy in 2017 as well as through the appeal made by the Regent of Lebak to the community with a slogan called "Bela beli produk Lebak”, or Support and Buy Lebak Products. The regent has also made it mandatory for his employees to wear Baduy batik clothing and scarves at work. As the dynamisator, the local government has contributed through Dinkop & SMEs by providing Dekranasda with grant funds to support various trainings and assist with capital needs for business development through Direct Cash Assistance (BLT). As the Facilitator, the local government has provided facilities for training, opened market opportunities by utilizing e-commerce, promoted Baduy woven fabrics abroad through young fashion designers under the Cita Tenun Indonesia association, opened some outlets at Plaza Lebak and facilitated their participation in fashion shows and festivals and other weaving/batik clothing exhibitions. The highly regulated nature of the bank lending process only allows the Outer Baduy community to secure capital assistance with soft interest rates.

Kata Kunci : Menenun, memberdayakan, peran pemda, high regulated / weaving, empowering, local government roles, highly regulated

  1. S2-2022-471542-title .pdf  
  2. S2-2022-471542-title.pdf  
  3. S2-2023-471542-abstract.pdf  
  4. S2-2023-471542-bibliography.pdf  
  5. S2-2023-471542-tableofcontent.pdf