USWATUL CHASANAH, Prof. Dra. Wega Trisunaryanti, M.Si, Ph.D Eng, Dr. Eng. Haryo Satriya Oktaviano, M.Si, Prof. Dr. Triyono, S.U.
2023 | Disertasi | DOKTOR KIMIATelah dilakukan sintesis dan karakterisasi Pd-Ni terimpregnasi pada grafena oksida tereduksi sebagai katalis reaksi reduksi oksigen (Oxygen Reduction Reaction, ORR). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari pengaruh: waktu oksidasi terhadap karakter grafena oksida (Graphene Oxide, GO), reduktor terhadap karakter grafena oksida tereduksi (Reduced Graphene Oxide, rGO), agen stabilizer terhadap karakter metal-rGO. Katalis hasil reaksi diuji aktivitasnya untuk ORR. Material GO dipreparasi dengan variasi waktu oksidasi 1, 6, 12, 18, dan 24 jam dengan perbandingan KMnO4:grafit sebesar 6:1 untuk memperoleh material GO-1, GO-6, GO-12, GO-18, dan GO-24. Hasil GO paling efisien yaitu menggunakan waktu oksidasi 6 jam dengan perbandingan KMnO4:grafit sebesar 3,5:1 yang disebut GO-3,5-6. Material GO-3,5-6 direduksi dengan reduktor asam askorbat, asam galat, dan natrium sitrat yang secara berurutan disebut rGO-AA, rGO-AG, dan rGO-NS. Reduktor asam askorbat merupakan reduktor yang paling efektif untuk mereduksi GO yang kemudian digunakan untuk mensintesis katalis Pd-rGO, Ni-rGO, Pd-Ni-rGO, C-Pd-Ni-rGO, H-Pd-Ni-rGO, dan CH-Pd-Ni-rGO. Seluruh material katalis dikarakterisasi menggunakan XRD, FTIR, Raman, SEM-EDX, TEM, SAA, konduktivitas, dan RDE. Material GO-3,5-6 memiliki d-spacing sebesar 0,9 nm dengan jumlah lapisan sebanyak 5. Material rGO-AA memiliki luas permukaan dan konduktivitas optimum yaitu masing-masing 255,93 m2/g dan 755,7 S/m. Katalis H-Pd-Ni-rGO memiliki luas permukaan dan konduktivitas optimum yaitu masing-masing 18,799 m2/g dan 8,28 S/m, katalis tanpa stabilizer (metal-rGO) menunjukkan bahwa Pd-rGO mempunyai luas permukaan dan konduktivitas optimum yaitu 52,39 m2/g dan 18,30 S/m. Kombinasi kedua nilai ini mempengaruhi kemampuan adsorpsi dan katalisis oksigen dalam ORR untuk menghasilkan air serta kemampuan migrasi elektron. Material Pd-rGO dan H-Pd-Ni-rGO memenuhi kaidah 1-pathway untuk reaksi ORR dengan nilai n transfer masing-masing 3,90 dan 3,65. Setelah diuji ketahanan katalisnya, material H-Pd-Ni-rGO memiliki daya tahan 2× lebih tinggi dibandingkan Pd-rGO.
The synthesis and characterization of Pd-Ni impregnated on reduced graphene oxide as catalyst for the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) have been carried out. The purpose of this research is to look into the effects of graphene oxide (GO) oxidation time, the properties of reductants on reduced graphene oxide (rGO), and the addition of stabilizer agents into metal-rGO as ORR catalysts. The GO material was prepared with various oxidation times of 1, 6, 12, 18, and 24 hours with a KMnO4:graphite ratio of 6:1 to obtain GO-1, GO-6, GO-12, GO-18, and GO-24 materials. GO synthesized with a KMnO4:graphite ratio of 3.5:1 and an oxidation time of 6 hours was the most efficient GO, denoted as GO-3,5–6. GO-3.5–6 material was reduced with ascorbic acid, gallic acid, and sodium citrate, which were called rGO-AA, rGO-AG, and rGO-NS, respectively. Ascorbic acid was the most effective reducing agent for reducing GO, which was then used to synthesize the catalysts Pd-rGO, Ni-rGO, Pd-Ni-rGO, C-Pd-Ni-rGO, H-Pd-Ni-rGO, and CH-Pd-Ni-rGO. All catalyst materials were characterized using XRD, FTIR, Raman, SEM-EDX, TEM, SAA, conductivity, and RDE. The GO-3,5-6 material had a d-spacing of 0.9 nm with a total of 5 layers. The rGO-AA material had an optimum surface area and conductivity of 255.93 m2/g and 755.7 S/m. The H-Pd-Ni-rGO catalyst had an optimum surface area and conductivity of 18.799 m2/g and 8.28 S/m; the metal-rGO catalyst without stabilizer showed that Pd-rGO had an optimum surface area and conductivity of 52.39 m2/g and 18.30 S/m. The combination of these two values affects the ability of oxygen adsorption and catalysis in the ORR to produce water as well as the ability to migrate electrons. The Pd-rGO and H-Pd-Ni-rGO materials complied with the 1-pathway rule for the ORR reaction with n transfer values of 3.90 and 3.65. The stability of the H-Pd-Ni-rGO was twice that of the Pd-rGO.
Kata Kunci : bimetal, grafena oksida, grafena oksida tereduksi, reaksi reduksi oksigen, stabilizer