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EDUARDUS BRODIAWAN W, Dr. dr. Ronny Tri Wirasto, Sp.KJ; dr. Mahar Agusno, Sp.KJ(K)

2023 | Tesis-Spesialis | ILMU KEDOKTERAN JIWA

MEKANISME KOPING LANJUT USIA PENGHUNI BARU DALAM MENGHADAPI RASA KESEPIAN TINGGAL DI PANTI WERDHA NAZARETH BANDUNG INTISARI Latar belakang: Populasi lanjut usia (lansia) yang terus meningkat mendatangkan berbagai permasalahan psikososial. Salah satu program yang dilakukan untuk mengatasi permasalahan psikososial lansia adalah penyelenggaraan panti werdha yang dikelola baik oleh pihak pemerintah maupun swasta. Permasalahan psikososial yang sering muncul pada lansia setelah berpindah tempat ke panti werdha adalah rasa kesepian yang mengharuskan lansia penghuni baru panti werdha tersebut melakukan koping. Tujuan penelitian: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengindentifikasi secara kualitatif mekanisme koping yang dilakukan lansia penghuni baru dalam menghadapi rasa kesepian setelah tinggal di Panti Werdha Nazareth Bandung. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi. Subjek penelitian adalah penghuni Panti Werdha Nazareth Bandung yang baru masuk 2 tahun terakhir. Sampel didapatkan dengan tehnik purposive sampling dan pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara secara mendalam (in depth interview) dengan prinsip kesesuaian dan kecukupan yang merujuk pada teori saturasi. Hasil: Penelitian ini didapatkan 4 informan lansia penghuni baru. Macam tema mekanisme koping lansia penghuni baru terhadap rasa kesepian setelah tinggal di Panti Werdha Nazareth dikelompokkan dalam 5 tema: menerima keadaan dengan berserah diri kepada Tuhan, melakukan sosialisasi dan mengikuti jadwal kegiatan panti werdha, dengan cara bernyanyi yang dapat dilakukan kapan saja tanpa bantuan orang lain, mengikuti kegiatan bersama di luar panti, serta melihat foto dan mengenang kebahagiaan masa lalu. Dari kelima tema tersebut, lansia penghuni baru menggunakan problem focused coping dan juga emotion focused coping, serta strategi adaptif dan pengembangan. Simpulan: Mekanisme koping lansia penghuni baru dalam menghadapi rasa kesepian tinggal di Panti Werdha Nazareth diwarnai nilai-nilai sosio-spirituoreligius yang dapat dikelompokkan dalam 5 tema utama yaitu: menerima keadaan dengan berserah diri kepada Tuhan, sosialisasi dan mengikuti jadwal kegiatan panti, bernyanyi, kegiatan bersama di luar panti, serta melihat foto dan mengenang kebahagiaan masa lalu. Kata kunci: mekanisme koping, penghuni baru panti werdha, rasa kesepian

ELDERLY COPING MECHANISM FOR NEW RESIDENTS FACING WITH THE LONELY FEEL OF LIVING AT THE NAZARETH WERDHA CENTER BANDUNG ABSTRACT Background: The increasing population of elderly (elderly) brings various psychosocial problems. One of the programs carried out to overcome the psychosocial problems of the elderly is the organization of nursing homes which are managed by both the government and the private sector. The psychosocial problem that often arises in the elderly after moving to a nursing home is a feeling of loneliness that requires the new residents of the nursing home to do coping. Research objectives: This study aims to qualitatively identify the coping mechanisms used by elderly new residents at the Nursing Home Nazareth Bandung in adapting to feelings of loneliness. Methods: This research is a qualitative research with a phenomenological approach. The research subjects were residents of the Nursing Home Nazareth Bandung who had just entered the last 2 years. Samples were obtained by purposive sampling technique and data collection was carried out by in-depth interviews with the principles of suitability and adequacy which referred to the saturation theory. Results: This study found 4 elderly informants as new residents. Various themes of elderly new residents coping mechanisms for feeling lonely after living in the Nazareth Nursing Home are grouped into 5 themes: accepting the situation by surrendering to God, socializing and following the schedule of activities at the nursing home, by singing which can be done at any time without the help of others, participating in joint activities outside the orphanage, and viewing photos and reminiscing about past happiness. Of the five themes, elderly new residents use problem focused coping as well as emotion focused coping, as well as adaptive and developmental strategies. Conclusion: The coping mechanisms for elderly new residents in dealing with feelings of loneliness living in the Nursing Home Nazareth are colored by sociospirituo-religious values which can be grouped into 5 main themes, namely: accepting circumstances by surrendering to God, socializing and following the orphanage's activity schedule, singing, joint activities outside the orphanage, as well as viewing photos and reminiscing about past happiness. Keywords: coping mechanisms, new residents of nursing homes, feelings of loneliness

Kata Kunci : mekanisme koping, penghuni baru panti werdha, rasa kesepian / coping mechanisms, new residents of nursing homes, feelings of loneliness

  1. SPESIALIS-2023-452235-abstract.pdf  
  2. SPESIALIS-2023-452235-bibliography.pdf  
  3. SPESIALIS-2023-452235-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. SPESIALIS-2023-452235-title.pdf