Pengaruh Communication Board Terhadap Skor Kecemasan Pasien Yang Terpasang Ventilator Mekanik Di Ruang ICU RS Akademik UGM
AHMAD FIRDAUS, Dr. Sri Setiyarini, S.Kp., M.Kes.; Ariani Arista Putri Pertiwi, S.Kep., Ns., MAN., DNP
2023 | Tesis | MAGISTER KEPERAWATANLatar Belakang : Komunikasi merupakan komponen dasar keperawatan. Pasien dengan ventilator mekanik mengalami kesulitan berkomunikasi secara verbal sehingga menyebabkan pasien tidak mampu untuk menyatakan emosi, ide dan kebutuhannya. Hal ini akan berpengaruh pada psikologis pasien dan menimbulkan kecemasan. Salah satu metode untuk mengatasi masalah komunikasi yaitu communication board. Tujuan : Mengidentifikasi pengaruh implementasi communication board pada kecemasan pasien sadar yang terpasang ventilator mekanik di ICU. Metode : Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian pra eksperimental onegroup pretest/posttest. Pengambilan sampel pada penelitian ini menggunakan consecutive ampling.Instrumen yang digunakan adalah communication board dan skala pengukuran kecemasan dengan Face Anxiety Scale (FAS). Analisis data bivariat menggunakan uji Wilcoxon Sign Rank. Hasil : Skor kecemasan responden sebelum intervensi penerapan communication board memiliki nilai median 3. Skor kecemasan responden setelah intervensi penerapan communication board memiliki nilai median 2. Hasil pengukuran perbedaan skor kecemasan pre-test dan post-test dengan Wilcoxon Sign Rank Test didapatkan nilai p=0,006 dan nilai Cohen d = 0,95. Kesimpulan : Terdapat pengaruh penerapan communication board terhadap skor kecemasan pada pasien yang terpasang ventilator mekanik di ruang ICU serta memiliki effect size yang besar.
Background: Communication is the basic component of nursing. Mechanically ventilated patients experienced difficulties in verbal communication which caused their inability to express their emotions, ideas, as well as their needs. It could affect their psychological condition and trigger anxiety. One of the methods to overcome the communication problem is using communication boards. Objectives of the study: To identify the effects of implementing communication boards on mechanically ventilated conscious patients in the ICU. Methods: This is a pre-experimental one-group pretest/posttest designed study. Consecutive sampling method was used in this study. The instrument used was communication boards and anxiety scale score Faces Anxiety Scale (FAS). Wilcoxon Sign Rank test was used for bivariate data analysis. Results: The respondents anxiety scores showed median 3 before the communication board intervention. After the communication board intervention, their anxiety scores became median 2. The different anxiety scores on the pre-test and post-test using Wilcoxon Sign Rank resulted p=0.006 and Cohen score d=0.95. Conclusions: There were significant effects of communication boards implementation toward mechanically ventilated patients anxiety scores in the ICU.
Kata Kunci : kecemasan, papan komunikasi, perawatan intensif, anxiety, communication boards, intensive care.