Laporkan Masalah

The Effect of Various Biochars on Growth, Yield, and NP Uptake by Edamame Soybean and Soil Properties of Inceptisols in Shonai Area, Japan

ERIC CANTONA, Prof. Dr. Ir. Sri Nuryani Hidayah Utami., M.P., M.Sc; Dr. Cahyo Wulandari., S.P., M.P; Prof. Dr. Weiguo Cheng


Biochar adalah produk dari biomasa yang telah mengalami pirolisis. Dari beberapa penelitian biochar mampu meningkatkan hasil produksi tanaman tetapi memiliki hasil yang beragam. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaplikasian bahan baku biochar yang berbeda-beda pada budidaya edamame terhadap ketersediaan hara didalam tanah dan hasil produksi edamame. Penelitian ini menggunakan 5 jenis perlakuan. Perlakuan yang diberikan adalah control (Co), biochar bambu (BT), biochar sekam padi (RH), biochar ranting pohon (TB), dan biochar kotoran ayam (PL). Hasil menunjukkan bahwa pemberian biochar memberikan hasil yang berbeda nyata pada beberapa parameter yaitu tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, jumlah cabang, SPAD, berat kering pada 70 hari setelah tanam, serapan nitrogen pada tanaman, serapan fosfor pada tanaman, hasil panen edamame, ammonium, P tersedia, dan pH tanah. Hasil terbaik diperoleh pada perlakuan biochar kotoran ayam pada semua parameter. Biochar kotoran ayam dapat meningkatkan tinggi tanaman sebesar 36,67%, jumlah daun sebesar 74,62%, jumlah cabang sebesar 141,67%, SPAD sebesar 34,12%, ammonium sebesar 78,36%, nitrat sebesar 189,31%, P2O5 sebesar 20,61%, total nitrogen sebesar 6,58%, total fosfor sebesar 34,81%, bahan organik tanah sebesar 20,92%, pH sebesar 10,00%, EC sebesar 19,43%, berat kering tanaman sebesar 47,67%, serapan nitrogen tanaman sebesar 94,70% dan serapan fosfor sebesar 243,56%.

Biochar is a product of biomass that has undergone pyrolysis. From several studies biochar is able to increase crop production yields but has mixed results. This study aims to determine the application of different biochar raw materials in edamame cultivation to the availability of nutrients in the soil and the production of edamame. This study used 5 types of treatments. The treatment given is control (Co), bamboo biochar (BT), rice husk biochar (RH), tree branch biochar (TB), and chicken manure biochar (PL). The results showed that biochar gave significantly different results on several parameters, namely plant height, number of leaves, number of branches, SPAD, dry weight at 70 days after sowing, nitrogen uptake in plants, phosphorus uptake in plants, edamame yields, ammonium, P2O5, and soil pH. The highest results are obtained on the biochar treatment of chicken manure on all parameters. Biochar poultry litter can increase plant height by 36.67%, number of leaves by 74.62%, number of branches by 141.67%, SPAD by 34.12%, ammonium by 78.36%, nitrate by 189.31%, available P by 20.61%, total nitrogen by 6.58%, total phosphorus by 34.81%, soil organic matter by 20.92%, pH by 10.00%, EC by 19.43%, dry weight of plants by 47.67%, plant nitrogen uptake by 94.70% and phosphorus uptake by 243.56%.

Kata Kunci : Biochar, Edamame, Inceptisol, Nitrogen, Phosphorus

  1. S2-2023-451994-Abstrak dan Abstract.pdf  
  2. S2-2023-451994-Bibliography.pdf  
  3. S2-2023-451994-TableOfContent.pdf  
  4. S2-2023-451994-Title.pdf