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Perancangan Model Bisnis Sekolah Dasar Al-Irsyad di Solok Selatan

Qhadri Arief Irsyad, Rocky Adiguna, SE., M.Sc., Ph.D.

2023 | Tesis | Magister Manajemen

Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk merancang model bisnis Sekolah Dasar Al-Irsyad di Solok Selatan. Sekolah Dasar Al-Irsyad merupakan sebuah inovasi yang menggabungkan konsep sekolah islam terpadu dan sekolah alam yang berlokasi di Kabupaten Solok Selatan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode penelitian kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Data kualitatif dalam penelitian ini didapatkan dari hasil wawancara pelaku usaha jasa pendidikan, wawancara calon pelanggan dan survei calon pelanggan. Pertanyaan wawancara kepada pelaku usaha disusun berdasarkan kanvas model bisnis, sedangkan wawancara dan survei calon pelanggan disusun berdasarkan peta empati. Informan wawancara dalam penelitian ini adalah Founder Sekolah Citra Alam Yogyakarta dan Founder Jogja Green School selaku pelaku usaha yang bergerak di bidang pendidikan dan lima narasumber selaku calon pelanggan, sedangkan responden survei merupakan 31 calon pelanggan yang dipilih menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Data hasil penelitian kemudian dianalisis dengan metode analisis tematik dan analisis kelayakan ekonomi. Analisis kelayakan ekonomi dilakukan dengan menghiutng nilai Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Payback Period (PP). Hasil analisis tematik digunakan untuk membuat model bisnis dan peta empati dari Sekolah Dasar Al-Irsyad, sedangkan hasil analisis kelayakan ekonomi digunakan untuk menganalisis layak atau tidaknya bisnis ini untuk dijalankan. Berdasarkan penelitian yang telah dilakukan, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perancangan model bisnis Sekolah Dasar Al-Irsyad di Solok Selatan dipicu oleh adanya kebutuhan pelanggan dalam mendapatkan pendidikan yang berkualitas bagi anaknya. Biaya investasi yang dibutuhkan untuk menjalankan bisnis ini sebesar Rp 2.099.700.000. Berdasarkan perhitungan analisis kelayakan ekonomi pada skenario optimis, didapatkan nilai NPV sebesar Rp. 2.092.389.301, nilai IRR 24% dengan waktu pengembalian atau PP selama dua tahun enam bulan. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan tersebut, disimpulkan bahwa bisnis yang akan dilakukan dapat dikatakan layak untuk dijalankan.

This research was conducted with the aim of designing a business model for Al-Irsyad Primary School in South Solok. Al-Irsyad Primary School is an innovation that combines the concepts of integrated Islamic schools and nature schools located in South Solok Regency. This research was conducted using qualitative and quantitative research methods. Qualitative data in this study were obtained from the results of interviews of educational service business actors, interviews of potential customers and surveys of potential customers. Interview questions to business actors are structured based on the business model canvas, while interviews and surveys of pontential customers are structured based on empathy maps. The interview informants in this study were the Founder of Sekolah Citra Alam Yogyakarta and the Founder of Jogja Green School as business actors engaged in education and five informants as potential customers, while the survey respondents were 31 pontential customers selected using purposive sampling method. The research data were then analyzed using thematic analysis and economic feasibility analysis. Economic feasibility analysis is carried out by calculating the value of Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Payback Period (PP). The results of thematic analysis are used to create a business model and empathy map of Al-Irsyad Primary School, while the results of economic feasibility analysis are used to analyze whether or not this business is feasible to run. Based on the research that has been conducted, the results show that the design of the Al-Irsyad Primary School business model in South Solok is triggered by customer needs in getting quality education for their children. The investment cost required to run this business is IDR 2,099,700,000. Based on the calculation of the economic feasibility analysis in the normal scenario, the NPV value of Rp.2,092,389,301 is obtained, the IRR value is 24% with a payback period or PP for two years and six months. Based on the results of these calculations, it is concluded that the business to be carried out can be said to be feasible to run.

Kata Kunci : model bisnis, peta empati, sekolah dasar, sekolah islam terpadu, sekolah alam/ business model, empathy map, primary school, integrated Islamic school, nature school

  1. S2-2023-485961-abstract.pdf  
  2. S2-2023-485961-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S2-2023-485961-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S2-2023-485961-title.pdf