Laporkan Masalah


MARTINO, Dr. Subando Agus Margono, M.Si


Dampak sosial ekonomi pandemi terakumulasi dengan kerentanan masyarakat memperburuk risiko bencana. Ketika respon perlindungan sosial gagal menjamin pemerataan akses dan kemanfaatan sumber daya bantuan, masyarakat secara otonom membangun perlindungan alternatif berbasis kesukarelaan di ruang publik. Sebagai bentuk artikulasi kepentingan yang berorientasi pada kepentingan publik, aksi sukarela dominannya dimaknai terbatas sebagai normalitas masyarakat. Pemaknaan aksi kolektif secara parsial berpotensi mengabaikan masalah pemicu serta manifestasinya. Penelitian dilakukan untuk memahami makna aksi kolektif berbasis sukarela dalam menciptakan mekanisme ketahanan melalui dimensi kepublikannya saat bencana pandemi. Penelitian dikembangkan secara kualitatif dengan pendekatan hermeneutik terhadap aksi Canthelan dalam struktur lingkungan Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta untuk menggali, menginterpretasikan, dan memahami makna aksi sukarela di saat krisis. Aksi sukarela muncul sebagai reaksi atas krisis yang diciptakan oleh campuran antara ancaman sosial ekonomi pandemi, perkembangan kerentanan masyarakat dan kegagalan kebijakan perlindungan sosial. Aksi sukarela bekerja melalui dimensi pengikatan (bracketing) dan kontestasi (contesting). Aksi sukarela tumbuh sebagai mekanisme ketahanan alternatif bagi masyarakat tidak beruntung melalui pemberian akses dan kontrol sumber daya pangan harian dalam ruang interaksi egaliter. Aksi sukarela juga dibangun sebagai narasi pengetahuan dan manifestasi kontestasi tentang pembangunan ketahanan yang diagregasikan secara struktural. Aksi sukarela menjadi perwujudan politik prefiguratif dalam memanifestasikan gagasan mekanisme ketahanan yang berpusat pada masyarakat. Mekanisme aksi sukarela berkontribusi menciptakan ketahanan sosial melalui proses mediasi yang saling mendukung dan berinteraksi timbal balik untuk mengatasi serta beradaptasi terhadap ancaman. Signifikansi kontribusi aksi sukarela menuju kapasitas transformatif terhalang oleh perspektif deterministik otoritas kekuasaan yang memaknai aksi sukarela normatif sebagai produk kearifan kultural, laku spiritual dan legitimasi kekuasaan.

The socioeconomic impact of the pandemic accumulated with the vulnerability of the community has exacerbated the risk of disaster. When social protection responses fail to ensure equitable access and benefit of aid resources, communities autonomously establish volunteer-based alternative protections in public spaces. As a form of articulation oriented towards the public interest, voluntary action is dominantly interpreted as limited as normality in society. The partial imposition of collective action has the potential to ignore the problem of its triggers and manifestations. The research was conducted to understand the meaning of voluntary-based collective action in creating resilience mechanisms through its publicness dimension during a pandemic disaster. The research was developed qualitatively with a hermeneutic approach to analyze the action of Canthelan in the environmental structure of the Yogyakarta Special Region to explore, interpret, and understand the meaning of voluntary action in times of crisis. Voluntary action emerged as a reaction to the crisis created by a mixture of the socioeconomic threats of the pandemic, the development of community vulnerabilities and the failure of social protection policies. Voluntary action works through the bracketing and the contesting dimension. Voluntary action is growing as an alternative resilience mechanism for disadvantaged communities through the provision of access and control of daily food resources in an egalitarian space of interaction. Voluntary action is also constructed as narrative of knowledge and structurally aggregated manifestation of contestation regarding the development of resilience. Voluntary action became the embodiment of prefigurative politics in manifesting the idea of a community-centered resilience mechanism. Voluntary action mechanisms have contributed to creating social resilience through a mediation process that supports each other and interacts reciprocally to address and adapt to threats. The significance of the contribution of volunteerism towards transformative capacity is hindered by the determinist perspective of power authority which interprets normative voluntary action as a product of cultural wisdom, spiritual practice and legitimacy of power.

Kata Kunci : aksi sukarela, ketahanan sosial, kerentanan, publicness, risiko bencana

  1. S2-2023-466910-abstract.pdf  
  2. S2-2023-466910-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S2-2023-466910-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S2-2023-466910-title.pdf