Respon Variasi Genotip (CYP7A1 rs3808607, TCF7L2 rs7903146) terhadap Kukis FiberCreme-IMO dan Koefisien Aterogenik Subjek Hiperlipidemia
HANIFA AHSANU AMALA, Prof. Dr. Dra. Sunarti, M.Kes.;Dr. Pramudji Hastuti, Apt., M.S.
2023 | Tesis | MAGISTER ILMU BIOMEDIKFiberCreme merupakan krimer komersil dengan komponen IMO terbukti memiliki efek hipolipidemik. Efek antihiperlipidemia FiberCreme diduga berpotensi menurunkan risiko aterosklerosis, yang dapat diprediksi dengan koefisien aterogenik. Variasi genetik CYP7A1 rs3808607 dan TCF7L2 rs7903146 diperkirakan memengaruhi respon gen terhadap intervensi kukis FiberCreme-IMO pada kolesterol total dan HDL sebagai parameter koefisien aterogenik. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui efek varian genotip CYP7A1 rs3808607 dan TCF7L2 rs7903146 serta intervensi kukis FiberCreme-IMO terhadap koefisien aterogenik pada subjek hiperlipidemia. Enam puluh subjek hiperlipidemia (n=60) dibagi berdasarkan jenis kukis menjadi kelompok perlakuan dengan kukis FiberCreme-IMO (n=30) dan kukis santan sebagai kontrol (n=30). Kukis diberikan sebanyak 80 gram per-hari selama empat minggu. Kadar kolesterol total dan HDL diukur sebelum dan sesudah intervensi. Variasi genotip dianalisis menggunakan metode PCR-RFLP. Hasil menunjukkan kukis FiberCreme-IMO signifikan menurunkan koefisien aterogenik (-0,30 + 0,00; p = 0,005). Koefisien aterogenik signifikan lebih rendah pada alel G-rs3808607 gen CYP7A1 (-0,26 + 0,11; p = 0,018) dan variasi CC-rs7903146 gen TCF7L2 (-0,31 + 0,17; p = 0,009). Variasi gen TCF7L2 signifikan berinteraksi dengan kukis (p=0,026), dimana genotip CC-rs7903146 berhubungan dengan koefisien aterogenik yang lebih rendah. Analisis multivariat menunjukkan penurunnya koefisien aterogenik akibat variasi gen tidak berbeda secara signifikan dengan pemberian kukis yang berbeda. Konsumsi kukis FiberCreme-IMO signifikan menurunkan koefisien aterogenik subjek hiperlipidemia. Individu pembawa alel G-rs3808607 gen CYP7A1 dan genotip CC-rs7903146 TCF7L2 mengalami penurunan koefisien aterogenik yang signifikan. Genotip CC-rs7903146 TCF7L2 signifikan berhubungan dengan nilai koefisien aterogenik yang lebih rendah akibat konsumsi kukis.
FiberCreme is a commercial creamer with IMO found to have a hypolipidemic effect. FiberCreme, predicted as an antihyperlipidemic agent, can potentially reduce the risk of atherosclerosis. The atherogenic coefficient is a parameter to predict the abnormality of atherosclerosis. Genetic variations CYP7A1 rs3808607 and TCF7L2 rs7903146 may influence the response of total cholesterol and HDL as parameters of the atherogenic coefficient on the consumption of FiberCreme-IMO as cookies. This study aimed to determine the effect of the CYP7A1 rs3808607 and TCF7L2 rs7903146 genotype variants and the FiberCreme-IMO cookies on atherogenic coefficients in hyperlipidemic subjects. Sixty subjects with hyperlipidemia (n=60) were assigned as groups by type of cookies. The treatment group consumed cookies made from FiberCreme-IMO (n=30) and control group made from had cookies containing coconut milk powder (n=30). Cookies are given 80 grams per day for four weeks. Total cholesterol and HDL levels were measured before and after the intervention. Genotypic variations will analyze using the PCR-RFLP method. FiberCreme-IMO cookies significantly reduced the atherogenic coefficient (-0.30 + 0.00; p = 0.005). The atherogenic coefficient significantly lower on the allele G-rs3808607 CYP7A1 (-0.26 + 0.20; p = 0.038) and the CC-rs7903146 TCF7L2 gene variation (-0.31 + 0.17; p = 0.009). TCF7L2 gene varians has significant association with cookies, and rs7903146-CC genotype related with lower atherogenic coefficient. Multivariate analysis shows insignificant changes in the atherogenic coefficient of genetic variation was not differ by cookies consumption. Consumption of FiberCreme-IMO cookies significantly reduces the atherogenic coefficient of hyperlipidemic subjects. Individuals carrying the rs3808607-G alelle of CYP7A1 gene and rs7903146-CC genotype of TCF7L2 gene show a significant decrease of atherogenic coefficient. Only rs7903146-CC genotype of TCF7L2 gene significantly related with lower atherogenic coefficient.
Kata Kunci : FiberCreme-IMO;Koefisien Aterogenik;Pati Resisten