MASTIN ANNISA NUR FAUZIAH, Irna Nurhayati, S.H., M.Hum., LL.M., Ph.D.
2023 | Skripsi | S1 HUKUMTujuan dari penelitian hukum ini adalah untuk mengkaji isu terkait efektivitas IA-CEPA dengan langkah hukum yang diambil Indonesia dan Australia selama periode COVID-19 dan menganalisis serta memberikan solusi alternatif kepada lembaga terkait seperti Kementerian Perdagangan Indonesia dan Departemen Luar Negeri dan Perdagangan Australia ketika dihadapkan pada isu-isu seperti pandemi COVID-19 dalam pelaksanaan perjanjian perdagangan. Selain itu, penelitian hukum ini berupaya menemukan solusi untuk meningkatkan efektivitas IA-CEPA meskipun ada hambatan pandemi COVID-19 dan langkah-langkah hukum yang diambil oleh kedua negara dalam menanggapi COVID-19. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian hukum ini adalah penelitian hukum normatif yang menggunakan sumber hukum primer, sekunder, dan tersier dengan metode analisis data dilakukan melalui pendekatan perundang-undangan dan kualitatif. Melalui penelitian hukum normatif, Penulis berusaha memahami implikasi langkah-langkah hukum yang diberlakukan oleh Indonesia dan Australia selama masa pandemi COVID-19 terhadap efektifitas IA-CEPA. Penelitian hukum ini menemukan bahwa efektivitas IA-CEPA dipengaruhi oleh peraturan yang diberlakukan selama pandemi COVID-19 termasuk peraturan larangan perjalanan dan pembatasan perbatasan, tindakan SPS, dan tindakan TBT. Tindakan hukum yang dilakukan oleh Indonesia dan Australia selama pandemi COVID-19 telah mempengaruhi implementasi IA-CEPA secara negatif dan positif. Terlepas dari pengaruh negatif peraturan tersebut terhadap lalu lintas masyarakat, pendidikan, dan pariwisata, beberapa peraturan terkait langkah-langkah SPS dan TBT ternyata membawa dampak positif terhadap implementasi dan efektivitas IA-CEPA dalam meningkatkan perdagangan.
The purpose of this legal research is to examine the issue related to the effectiveness of IA-CEPA with the legal measures taken Indonesia and Australia in the course of the COVID-19 period and to analyses and provide alternative solutions to the related institutions such as the Ministry of Trade of Indonesia and Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Australia when faced with issues such as COVID-19 pandemic on implementing trade agreement. Moreover, this legal research strives to find solution to boosting the effectiveness of IA-CEPA despite the hindrance of COVID-19 pandemic and the legal measures taken by both countries in response to COVID-19. The method used in this legal research is normative legal research which uses primary, secondary, and tertiary legal sources with the data analysis method done through statutory and qualitative approach. Through the normative legal research, the Author seeks to understand the implication legal measures imposed by Indonesia and Australia during the COVID-19 pandemic period towards the effectivity of IA-CEPA. This legal research finds that the effectivity of IA-CEPA was impacted by the regulations imposed during the COVID-19 pandemic including regulations on travel bans and border restrictions, SPS measures, and TBT measures. The legal measures taken by Indonesia and Australia during the COVID-19 pandemic have influenced the implementation of IA-CEPA negatively and positively. Despite the negative influence of the regulations towards people�s movements, education, and tourism, several regulations related SPS and TBT measures actually brought positive impacts towards the implementation and effectivity IA-CEPA in boosting trade.
Kata Kunci : COVID-19 Pandemic, IA-CEPA, border restrictions, SPS measures, TBT measures