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Efek Moderasi Religiusitas pada Niat Pembelian Ulang Produk Halal Homecare: Perspektif Teori Nilai Konsumsi

FARAH NUR S W, Yulia Arisnani Widyaningsih, M.B.A., Ph.D.


Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh nilai fungsional, sosial, emosional, epistemik, dan kondisional terhadap niat pembelian ulang produk halal homecare dimoderasi oleh variabel religiusitas menggunakan Teori Nilai Konsumsi. Latar Belakang: Sebagai orang muslim perlu memperhatikan sisi kebersihan baik kebersihan diri, pakaian, rumah, tempat ibadah, dan sebagainya. Dalam menjaga kebersihan dan kesucian perlu adanya perhatian khusus. Seiring perkembangan zaman, mulai muncul berbagai produk halal salah satunya adalah produk homecare. Seiring perkembangan zaman, mulai muncul berbagai produk halal homecare, sehingga penelitian penggunaan produk halal homecare akan dibutuhkan. Kebaruan: Penelitian berfokus pada penggunaan produk halal homecare dengan perspektif dari teori nilai konsumsi, religiusitas dan niat pembelian ulang. Penelitian serupa implikasi teori masih banyak yang berfokus pada produk hijau , namun penelitian ini berimplikasi pada produk halal. Sedangkan pada produk halal masih sedikit yang menggunakan teori nilai konsumsi. Metode: Data dikumpulkan melalui survey daring dengan penyampelan bertujuan. Structural Equation Modeling-Partial Least Square (SEM-PLS) adalah metode analisis data penelitian. Hasil: Hasil pengujian hipotesis menunjukkan bahwa dari total sebelas hipotesis yang diajukan, terdapat sembilan hipotesis yang tedukung. Dari pengujian tersebut didapatkan bahwa nilai fungsional, sosial, emosional, epistemik, dan kondisional berpengaruh terhadap niat pembelian ulang produk halal homecare. Temuan penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa religiusitas memoderasi pengaruh nilai fungsional, sosial, dan kondisional terhadap niat pembelian ulang produk halal homecare. Adapun hasil lain menunjukkan bahwa religiusitas tidak memoderasi pengaruh nilai emosional dan epistemik pada niat pembelian ulang halal homecare. Kesimpulan: Temuan studi mengindikasikan pentingnya nilai-nilai konsumsi untuk pembelian ulang halal homecare. Implikasi penelitian ini bermanfaat secara teoritis dan praktis.

Introduction/Main Objectives: This study aims to examine the effect of functional, social, emotional, epistemic, and conditional values on the repurchase intention of halal homecare products moderated by religiosity variables using Consumption Value Theory. Background Problems: As Muslims, we need to pay attention to cleanliness, whether it is personal hygiene, clothes, houses, places of worship, and so on. In maintaining cleanliness and purity, special attention is needed. Along with the times, various halal products began to appear, one of which was homecare products. Along with the times, various halal homecare products began to appear, so research on the use of halal homecare products will be needed. Novelty: The research focuses on the use of halal homecare products with the perspective of consumption value theory, religiosity and repurchase intentions. There are still many similar studies with theoretical implications that focus on green products, but this research has implications for halal products, while there are still few halal products that use consumption value theory. Research Methods: Data were collected through an online survey with purposeful sampling. Structural Equation Modeling-Partial Least Square (SEM-PLS) was the research data analysis method. Finding/Results: The results of hypothesis testing show that of the total eleven hypotheses proposed, nine hypotheses are supported. From this test, it is found that functional, social, emotional, epistemic, and conditional values affect the repurchase intention of halal homecare products. The research findings also show that religiosity moderates the influence of functional, social, and conditional values on the repurchase intention of halal homecare products. The other results show that religiosity does not moderate the effect of emotional and epistemic values on the repurchase intention of halal homecare. Conclusion: The study findings indicate the importance of consumption values for halal homecare repurchase. The implications of this study are both theoretically and practically useful.

Kata Kunci : Nilai Konsumsi, Nilai Fungsional, Nilai Sosial, Nilai Emosional, Nilai Epistemik, Nilai Kondisional, Religiusitas, Niat Pembelian Ulang, Produk Halal, dan Produk Rumah Tangga.