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SANTOSO HARDOYO, Dr. dr. Mubasysyir Hasanbasri, M.A ; Dr. Likke Prawidya Putri, MPH, PhD


Latar belakang : Malnutrisi masih menjadi permasalahan kesehatan di Indonesia. Status gizi memiliki hubungan erat dengan kemajuan ekonomi. Kabupaten Bantul memiliki jumlah balita gizi kurang dan jumlah warga miskin terbanyak di Propinsi DIY. Puskesmas sebagai ujung tombak dalam penanganan kesehatan di tingkat kapanewon, memiliki sumber daya yang terbatas. Tujuan : untuk mengetahui keterkaitan antara status gizi balita dengan determinan sosial kesehatan, anggaran Puskesmas dan Jumlah SDM Kesehatan Puskesmas. Metode : Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif dengan rancangan studi kasus. Unit analisis terdiri dari 17 kapanewon di Kabupaten Bantul. Tempat penelitian adalah di seluruh kapanewon di Kabupaten Bantul. instrumen penelitian adalah studi pustaka dan dokumen. Cara pengumpulan data dengan menggali berbagai sumber pustaka dan dokumen terbaru di berbagai institusi di Kabupaten Bantul. cara analisis data deskriptif analitik dengan tabulasi silang dan peta Sistem Informasi Geografi. Hasil Penelitian : Persentase balita wasting di Kabupaten Bantul bervariasi di tiap kapanewon. Capaian D/S Kabupaten Bantul masih dibawah standar yang ditetapkan. Terdapat persentase balita wasting yang lebih tinggi pada kapanewon dengan capaian D/S rendah. Persentase balita wasting tidak ada perbedaan berarti dengan persentase kemiskinan pada tingkat kapanewon. Rasio jumlah sekolah dan penduduk usia sekolah memiliki keterkaitan dengan persentase balita wasting.. Anggaran UKM Pemda, persentasenya sangat kecil dibandingkan anggaran UKM dari BOK. Anggaran UKM memliki keterkaitan dengan tingginya kasus balita wasted. SDM Kesehatan di Kabupaten Bantul belum tercukupi dan distribusinya belum merata. Kesimpulan : Permasalahan tingginya kasus balita wasting di Kabupaten Bantul, memiliki keterkaitan dengan berbagai faktor determinan sosial antara lain kemiskinan, partisipasi masyarakat ke posyandu, ketersediaan sekolah, klasifikasi kalurahan urban serta memiliki keterkaitan dengan unsur sistem kesehatan yaitu anggaran UKM Puskesmas dan jumlah SDM Kesehatan di puskesmas

Backgeround : Malnutrition is a crucial health problem in Indonesia. Nutritional status has a close relationship with economic progress. Bantul Regency has the highest number of malnourished children under five and the highest number of poor people in DIY Province. Puskesmas as the spearhead in handling health at the Kapanewon level, has limited resources. Objective: to determine the relationship between the nutritional status of children under five and the social determinants of health, health center budget and the number of health human resources in the health center. Methods: This type of research is descriptive with a case study design. The unit of analysis consists of 17 kapewon in Bantul Regency. The location of the research is throughout the Kapanewon in Bantul Regency. the research instrument is literature and documents. The way of collecting data is by exploring various sources of literature and the latest documents at various institutions in Bantul Regency. how to analyze descriptive analytic data with cross-tabulations and maps of Geographic Information Systems. Research Results: The percentage of wasting under five in Bantul Regency varies in each district. The achievements of the D/S of Bantul Regency are still below the set standards. There is a higher percentage of under-fives wasting at Kapanewon with low D/S achievements. There is no significant difference between the percentage of under-fives wasting and the percentage of poverty at the Kapanewon level. The ratio of the number of schools and the school-age population is related to the percentage of under-fives wasting. The UKM budget of the regional government is very small compared to the UKM budget from the BOK. UKM budget has a relationship with the high cases of wasted toddlers. Human Resources for Health in Bantul Regency have not been sufficient and their distribution has not been evenly distributed. Conclusion: The problem of high cases of wasting under five in Bantul Regency is related to various social determinant factors including poverty, community participation in posyandu, school availability, urban village classification and has links with elements of the health system, namely the Puskesmas (Health Center) UKM budget and the number of Health Human Resources in the puskesmas

Kata Kunci : Kata Kunci : determinan sosial, wasting, sistem kesehatan, kemiskinan, D/S, jumlah sekolah, urban, anggaran, SDM Kesehatan.

  1. S2-2023-466200-abstract.pdf  
  2. S2-2023-466200-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S2-2023-466200-tableofcontents.pdf  
  4. S2-2023-466200-title.pdf