Sikap Terhadap Akses Informasi, Perilaku Penerapan Protokol Kesehatan dan Persepsi Risiko Pedagang Dalam Menghadapi COVID-19
RADYA PURWA ANTIKA, Muhammad Najib Azca, MA, PhD
2023 | Skripsi | S1 SOSIOLOGIMunculnya Covid-19 di Indonesia pada awal 2020 menyebabkan kehidupan pedagang berubah hampir di seluruh aspek kehidupan. Mereka harus menaati kebijakan protokol kesehatan dan tidak bisa melakukan pekerjaannya seperti sedia kala. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui sikap terhadap akses informasi, perilaku penerapan protokol kesehatan, dan risiko pedagang dalam menghadapi pandemi pada fase awal hingga fase setelah vaksinasi. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan analisis deskriptif yang dibedah menggunakan teori masyarakat risiko. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pedagang menyikapi pandemi pada fase awal dengan rasa khawatir dan takut. Namun, setelah pandemi berjalan selama beberapa bulan, mereka mengakui lebih santai. Terkait perilaku, mereka mengaku telah melaksanakan protokol kesehatan dengan baik. Dari hasil pengamatan peneliti, seluruh narasumber terlihat menaati protokol kesehatan, namun tidak begitu ketat karena mereka kerap kali menurunkan masker dan menjaga jarak. Perilaku pedagang ini dipengaruhi oleh orang lain, termasuk kesediaannya dalam melaksanakan vaksinasi. Dari hasil wawancara, seluruh informan telah melaksanakan vaksinasi dosis pertama dan kedua. Selama pandemi, para pedagang lebih banyak menerima risiko terkait aspek ekonomi dari aspek kesehatan karena seluruh narasumber belum pernah teridentifikasi positif Covid-19. Sementara terkait risiko ekonomi, mereka telah banyak kehilangan pendapatannya karena tidak bisa bekerja. Beberapa informan dalam penelitian ini mengatasi risiko ekonomi tersebut dengan alternatif pekerjaan lain.
The emergence of Covid-19 in Indonesia in early 2020 caused the life of traders to change in almost all aspects of life. They must comply with health protocol policies and cannot carry out their work as before. The purpose of this study was to determine attitudes towards access to information, behavior in implementing health protocols, and traders' risks in dealing with a pandemic in the early to post-vaccination phases. The method used in this study is a qualitative research method with a descriptive analysis approach which is dissected using the risk society theory. The results of this study indicate that traders responded to the pandemic in the initial phase with worry and fear. However, after the pandemic has been going on for several months, they admit that they are more relaxed. Regarding behavior, they claimed to have implemented health protocols properly. From the observations of the researchers, all of the interviewees seemed to comply with the health protocol, but not so strictly because they often took off their masks and kept their distance. The behavior of these traders is influenced by other people, including their willingness to vaccinate. From the results of the interviews, all informants had carried out the first and second doses of vaccination. During the pandemic, traders took more risks related to the economic aspect from the health aspect because all sources had never been identified as positive for Covid-19. Meanwhile, regarding economic risks, they have lost a lot of their income because they cannot work. Several informants in this study overcame the economic risk with other job alternatives.
Kata Kunci : Kata kunci: pedagang, sikap dan perilaku, pandemi, risiko ekonomi