Scale Up dan Analisis Kelayakan Produksi Fiber Drink Berbasis FiberCreme dan Glukomanan di PT Lautan Natural Krimerindo
TAMARA YULIASTUTI, Rachma Wikandari, S.T.P., M.Biotech, Ph.D.; Ardhika Ulfah, S.T.P., M.Sc. ; Ir. Rochmad Indrawanto, S. T. P.
2023 | Skripsi | S1 TEKNOLOGI PANGAN DAN HASIL PERTANIANPermintaan pangan fungsional semakin meningkat dan dianjurkan untuk menggunakan bahan pangan lokal, seperti glukomanan. Melalui program Matching Fund Kedaireka, glukomanan yang diproduksi oleh Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian UGM dikembangkan menjadi fiber drink bersama dengan FiberCreme dari mitra industri PT Lautan Natural Krimerindo. Magang industri ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kondisi proses scale up pada skala pilot plant yang tepat serta hasil analisis kelayakan terhadap rancangan produksi fiber drink pada skala plant. Scale up proses pembuatan fiber drink pada skala pilot plant menggunakan alat sejenis rotary blender dengan kecepatan 50 putaran per menit sehingga perlu diketahui berapa lama waktu blending yang dibutuhkan untuk membentuk karakter produk sesuai hasil skala laboratoriumnya. Fiber drink yang dibuat pada skala pilot plant dievaluasi secara sensoris dan berdasarkan karakteristik kimia fisiknya. Hasil evaluasi scale up pada pilot plant yang dilakukan kemudian dijadikan acuan untuk merancang kondisi proses produksi pada skala plant yang kemudian dianalisis kelayakannya. Hasil magang industri diketahui bahwa untuk membentuk karakteristik sensoris, kimia, dan fisik fiber drink pada skala pilot plant maka proses dry blending dilakukan selama 40 menit dengan kapasitas blending sebesar 60% kapasitas alat. Rancangan produksi fiber drink pada skala plant dinyatakan layak berdasarkan nilai NPV = Rp 215.557.945.618, IRR = 33%, dan R/C=1,3.
The demand for functional food is increasing and it is recommended to use local food ingredients such as glucomannan. Through the Kedaireka Matching Fund program, glucomannan produced by the UGM Faculty of Agricultural Technology was developed into a fiber drink with FiberCreme from industrial partner PT Lautan Natural Krimerindo. This industrial internship aims to determine the exact conditions of the scale-up process on a pilot plant scale as well as the results of a feasibility analysis of fiber drink production designs on a plant scale. Scale up the process of making fiber drink on a pilot plant scale using a tool like a rotary blender with a speed of 50 revolutions per minute so it is necessary to know how long the blending time is needed to form the desired product character according to the laboratory scale results. Fiber drinks made on a pilot plant scale were evaluated sensory and based on their physic-chemical characteristics. The results of the scale-up evaluation at the pilot plant are then used as a reference for designing the production process conditions at the plant scale, which are then analyzed for feasibility. The results of the industrial internship show that to form the sensory, chemical, and physical characteristics of fiber drinks on a pilot plant scale, a dry blending process is carried out for 40 minutes with a blending capacity of 60% of the equipment capacity. The design to produce factory-scale fiber drinks was declared feasible based on the value of NPV = IDR 215,557,945,618, IRR = 33%, and R/C = 1.3.
Kata Kunci : fiber drink, glukomanan, FiberCreme, scale up, analisis kelayakan