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Dinamika Keluarga dan Kepuasan Hidup Istri pada Pasangan Childfree Indonesia

NISA SALSABILA, Diana Setiyawati, S.Psi., MHSc., Ph.D., Psikolog

2023 | Skripsi | S1 PSIKOLOGI

Istilah 'kodrat' wanita di Indonesia sangat erat asosiasinya dengan peran ibu. Hal ini diperkuat dengan temuan studi tentang pengaruh positif motherhood terhadap subjective well-being ibu dibandingkan dengan perempuan yang tidak memiliki anak. Walaupun demikian, beberapa literatur menemukan tingkat kepuasan hidup perempuan lebih rendah daripada laki-laki. Di Indonesia, yang merupakan negara pronatalis, perempuan childfree sering menerima stigma negatif atas pilihan mereka. Namun, literatur tentang kepuasan hidup perempuan childfree di Indonesia masih sedikit. Penelitian dengan metode fenomenologi ini mengeksplor pemaknaan pengalaman dinamika keluarga dan kepuasan hidup istri dari pasangan childfree Indonesia. Data diperoleh dari wawancara semi terstruktur dengan 3 (tiga) istri dari pasangan childfree Indonesia yang dianalisis menggunakan analisis tematik. Tiga tema besar mengenai pengambilan keputusan, dinamika keluarga meliputi faktor ketahanan dan kerentanan, serta kepuasan hidup ditemukan. Kepuasan hidup dipengaruhi oleh keputusan childfree dan dapat dilihat dari aspek kognitif, afektif, dan konatif. Partisipan merasakan kepuasan hidup baik dari afek positif maupun negatif pada domain-domain tertentu. Implikasi dari penelitian ini dapat menjadi sumber literatur Indonesia mengenai childfree, menghapuskan stigma negatif childfree yang ada di masyarakat, dan sebagai salah satu literatur dalam penyusunan intervensi klinis klien childfree.

The nature of women in Indonesia is very closely associated with the role of mother. This is reinforced by the findings of studies on the effect of motherhood on subjective well-being of mothers compared to women who do not have children. However, some literature found that women's life satisfaction levels were lower than men's. In Indonesia, which is a pronatalist country, childfree women often receive a negative stigma for their choice regardless of the absence of children in their marriage. Unfortunately, there is still little amount of literature on the life satisfaction experiences of childfree women in Indonesia. This study uses a phenomenological method and explores the meaning of the wife's life satisfaction experiences of Indonesian childfree couples. Data was collected using semi-structured interviews with 3 wives of Indonesian childfree couples which were then analyzed using thematic analysis. Three major themes were found: decision making, family dynamics including factors of resilience and vulnerability, as well as life satisfaction. The life satisfaction experienced by the participants is influenced by their childfree decisions and can be seen from the cognitive, affective, and conative aspects. It was also found that participants felt life satisfaction from both positive and negative affect on certain domains. Hopefully, this research can be a source of Indonesian literature on childfree, eliminating the negative stigma of childfree in society, and as one of the literature in preparing clinical interventions for childfree clients.

Kata Kunci : childfree, kepuasan hidup, dinamika keluarga

  1. S1-2023-424499-abstract.pdf  
  2. S1-2023-424499-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S1-2023-424499-tableofcontents.pdf  
  4. S1-2023-424499-title.pdf