RISKA MAULANI, Dr. Rudi Hari Murti, S.P., M.P.; Dr. Aziz Purwantoro, S.P., M.Sc.
2022 | Tesis | MAGISTER PEMULIAAN TANAMANCabai sebagai tanaman hermaprodit memungkinkan penyerbukan sendiri (self-pollination) sebagai penyerbukan utama dengan persentase penyerbukan silang alami sebesar 4-5%. Tanaman menyerbuk sendiri cenderung mengalami keseragaman genetik dan performa heterosis menurun. Hibridisasi sebagai salah satu metode pemuliaan diharapkan dapat mengatasi keterbatasan pada tanaman menyerbuk sendiri. Hibridisasi dapat meningkatkan keragaman genetik dalam rangka perbaikan sifat tanaman. Persilangkan tiga tetua dengan sifat beda menghasilkan empat populasi cabai (S2 K, F3 KB, F2 BTKB, dan F2 KBBT). Deteksi keragaman secara molekuler pada empat populasi cabai menggunakan sebelas kombinasi primer SRAP hasil seleksi dari 35 kombinasi primer. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh nilai keragaman genetik dan jarak genetik individu sampel pada populasi cabai, menentukan hubungan kekerabatan antar populasi cabai, dan mengetahui bagaimana keragaman populasi keturunan hasil single cross dan double cross. Berdasarkan hasil analisis iMEC, profil marka SRAP menunjukkan nilai rata-rata PIC pada populasi gabungan sebesar 0,3381 dengan persentase lokus polimorfis 97,88%. Sebagai populasi segregasi, keragaman genetik dalam populasi lebih besar dibandingkan antar populasi, disamping itu BTKB dan KBBT menunjukkan kemiripan paling tinggi. Hasil indeks Shannon dan persentase lokus polimorfis menunjukkan populasi double cross lebih beragam dari single cross. Diduga ada keterlibatan maternal inheritance dan ekstranuklear DNA yang menyebabkan keragaman dalam persilangan cabai hibrida. Persilangan multi tetua cabai menghasilkan keragaman genetik lebih besar dalam perbaikan karakter tanaman.
Chili as a hermaphrodite allows self-pollination as the major pollination with natural cross-pollination percentage of 4-5%. Self-pollinated crops tend to have genetic uniformity and low heterosis. Hybridization as one of the breeding strategies is expected to overcome the limitations of self-pollinated crops. Hybridization increases genetic diversity as basis of selection and facilitate improving plant characteristics. Crossing three distinctive parental genotypes produces four chili populations (S2 K, F3 KB, F2 BTKB, and F2 KBBT) which is expected to provide sources of diversity. Detection of molecular diversity in four populations using eleven selected SRAP combination primers from thirty-five combinations. This study aimed to obtain the value of genetic diversity and genetic distance of individual samples in the chili populations, determine the relationship between chili populations, and find out how the variation of diversity occurs in single cross and double cross. According to iMEC analysis, profile marker of SRAP appeared an average PIC value in combined population of 0.3381 and a polymorphic locus percentage of 97.88%. As segregated populations, the genetic diversity within population is greater than among population, besides that BTKB and KBBT express the highest similarity. Shannon's index and percentage of polymorphic loci confirmed that double cross was more diverse than single cross. It is suspected that there is inclusion of maternal inheritance or extranuclear DNA in chili hybrid. However, multiple-parent hybridization provides more sources of genetic diversity in improving plant traits
Kata Kunci : double cross, cabai hibrida, interspesific hybridization, SRAP, maternal inheritance