Pengaruh Literasi Digital dan Pemahaman Kredibilitas Informasi Terhadap Self-control Dalam Berbagi Konten Digital: Survei Eksplanatif Terhadap Calon Pekerja Migran Indonesia Jawa Barat
EKA WIDI ASTUTI, Dr. Rahayu, S.I.P., M.Si., M.A
2022 | Tesis | MAGISTER ILMU KOMUNIKASIRatusan Calon Pekerja Migran Indonesia (CPMI) yang menjadi korban hoaks peluang kerja luar negeri dapat dijumpai dengan mudah di sejumlah portal berita online. Studi terdahulu terkait hoaks di platform digital, kerap dikaitkan dengan berbagai variabel seperti literasi digital, kredibilitas informasi, dan self-control warganet. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur pengaruh kompetensi literasi digital menurut konsep Vuorikari et al (2017) dan pemahaman kredibilitas informasi terhadap self-control CPMI dalam berbagi konten digital, khususnya terkait peluang kerja luar negeri. Pemahaman kredibilitas informasi didasarkan atas penerapan tiga faktor kredibilitas informasi Rouhan (2016) dalam mengonsumsi informasi digital, sedangkan variabel self-control yang digunakan merupakan adaptasi skala self-control ringkas De Ridder (2012) dalam Arifin & Milla (2020). Metode penelitian berupa survei eksplanatif dengan menggunakan kuesioner tertutup. Survei dilakukan terhadap 699 CPMI Jawa Barat dengan MoE sebesar �±3,5 %. Penelitian ini menghasilkan dua kesimpulan utama, yaitu: 1) indeks literasi digital CPMI Jawa barat berada pada tingkat kemahiran level 6 dengan kategori advanced, serta 2) literasi digital dan pemahaman CPMI terkait kredibilitas informasi, secara simultan dan terpisah berpengaruh signifikan terhadap tingkat self-control CPMI dalam berbagi informasi digital.
Hundreds of CPMI who are victims of hoaxes on overseas job opportunities can be found easily on a number of online. Previous studies related to hoaxes on digital platforms were often associated with various variables such as digital literacy, information credibility, and self-control. This study aims to measure the effect of digital literacy competence according to the concept of Vuorikari et al (2017) and understanding the credibility of information on self-control in sharing digital content, especially related to overseas job opportunities. Understanding the credibility of information is based on the application of three factors of information credibility Rouhan (2016) in consuming digital information, while the self-control used is an adaptation of self-control De Ridder (2012) in Arifin & Milla (2020). The research method is in the form of an explanatory survey using a closed questionnaire. The survey was conducted on 699 CPMI West Java with MoE by 3.5%. This study resulted in two main conclusions, namely: 1) the digital literacy index of CPMI West Java is at the level of proficiency level 6 with the advanced, and 2) digital literacy and understanding of CPMI related to information credibility, simultaneously and separately have a significant effect on the level of self-control. CPMI in sharing digital information.
Kata Kunci : Pekerja Migran Indonesia, hoaks, literasi digital, kredibilitas informasi, self-control