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Metode Cached Data Offload Menggunakan Algoritme Least Recently Used dan Optimasi Metaheuristik

MULKI INDANA ZULFA, Dr. Ir. Rudy Hartanto, M.T., IPM.; Adhistya Erna Permanasari, S.T., M.T., Ph.D

2022 | Disertasi | DOKTOR TEKNIK ELEKTRO

Metode hybrid Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) dan Genetic Algorithm (GA) mempunyai performa yang cukup meyakinkan untuk menyelesaikan masalah strategi caching pada mekanisme cached data offloading dengan model Knapsack Problem 0/1 (KP01). Data offloading adalah mekanisme bongkar muat cached data ke dalam cache memory. Model masalah KP01 mempunyai tujuan memasukkan sebanyak mungkin cached data ke dalam cache memory sehingga memperoleh profit paling optimal. Profit KP01 diformulasikan menggunakan fungsi objektif (Fx) yang dicari nilai paling minimumnya. Metode cyclic hybrid ACO-GA dengan mekanisme pemilihan solusi berbasis roulette wheel selection (RWS) pernah digunakan untuk menyelesaikan optimasi cached data offloading. Namun metode ini tidak mampu menemukan solusi optimum global. Kemudian siklus cylic ACO-GA dengan urutan ACO-GA-ACO juga menyebabkan konsumsi waktu algoritme hibrida ini semakin besar. Masalah lain yang belum diselesaikan adalah munculnya polusi cache yang disebabkan karena tidak adanya pengelolaan terhadap access recency. Access recency didefinisikan sebagai akses suatu cached data yang baru saja dilayani oleh cache memory. Polusi cache yang tidak ditangani dengan baik dapat menurunkan kinerja hit ratio (HR). Penelitian ini mengusulkan metode nested-RWS (nRWS) yang mampu menyeimbangkan korelasi sifat stokastik pada random uniform [0-1]. Penelitian ini juga mengubah siklus cyclic ACO-GA menjadi non-cyclic ACO-GA yang dikemas dalam framework GENACO untuk efisiensi waktu. Kemudian masalah polusi cache diselesaikan dengan pengelolaan access recency menggunakan framework GENACO dan algoritme Least Recently Used (LRU), yang kemudian diberi nama LRU-GENACO. Usulan metode dalam penelitian ini telah disimulasikan dan diuji menggunakan (i) private dataset KP01 serta (ii) public dataset dari IRcache. Simulasi dilakukan dengan mengukur nilai fungsi objektif (Fx), HR dan Latency Saving Ratio (LSR). Kemudian dilakukan proses benchmarking terhadap enam algoritme caching lainnya. Hasil simulasi menunjukkan bahwa metode nRWS mampu memperoleh Fx=0,4350 sementara nilai Fx penelitian sebelumnya hanya 0,4374. Metode nRWS berhasil menyeimbangkan korelasi antara sifat stokastik random uniform [0-1] dengan probabilitas kumulatifnya, sehingga dapat menemukan solusi optimum global dengan nilai Fx yang lebih kecil. Perbaikan siklus cyclic menjadi non-cyclic, berhasil mengurangi konsumsi waktu hingga empat kali lebih cepat. Selanjutnya, usulan metode LRU-GENACO, berhasil meningkatan rata-rata nilai HR dari algoritme LRU, LFU, LFUDA, SIZE, GDS, dan GDSF masing-masing sebesar 1,004%, 8,56%, 3,11%, 9,52%, 5,8%, dan 2,63%. Hasil tersebut diperoleh dengan melakukan simulasi menggunakan dataset IRcache. Pola akses data berdistribusi normal pada dataset IRcache lebih menguntungkan bagi LRU-GENACO untuk meningkatkan kinerja HR. Kinerja HR dipengaruhi oleh cache size, unique request, dan cacheable request. Semakin besar cache size semakin besar kinerja HR. Semakin kecil unique dan cacheable request justru membuat kinerja HR semakin besar.

The Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) and Genetic Algorithm (GA) hybrid method have a convincing enough performance to solve the caching strategy problem in the cached data offloading mechanism with the Knapsack Problem 0/1 model (KP01). Data offloading is a mechanism for loading and unloading cached data into the cache memory. The KP01 problem model aims to enter as much cached data as possible into the cache memory to obtain the most optimal profit. KP01 profit is formulated using the objective function (Fx) to find the minimum value. The cyclic hybrid ACO-GA method with a roulette wheel selection (RWS) based solution mechanism has been used to solve cached data offloading optimization. However, this method is not able to find the optimal global solution. Therefore, the ACO-GA cyclic cycle with the order ACO-GA-ACO causes the time consumption to increase. Another problem that needs to be resolved is the emergence of cache pollution caused by the lack of management of access recency. Access recency is access to cached data that has just been served by cache memory. Cache pollution that is not handled correctly can reduce the performance-hit ratio (HR). This study proposed a nested-RWS (nRWS) method that can balance the correlation of stochastic properties at random uniform [0-1]. This research also changed the cyclic ACO-GA cycle to non-cyclic ACO-GA, packaged in the GENACO framework for time efficiency. Then the cache pollution problem was solved by managing access recency using the GENACO framework and the Least Recently Used (LRU) algorithm, later named LRU-GENACO. The proposed method in this study has been simulated and tested using (i) private dataset KP01 and (ii) public dataset from IRcache. The simulation measures the value of the objective function (Fx), HR, and Latency Saving Ratio (LSR). Subsequently, the benchmarking process is carried out against six other caching algorithms. The simulation results show that the proposed nRWS method can obtain Fx=0.4350, while the previous research was only 0.4374. The proposed nRWS method successfully balances the correlation between the random uniform stochastic properties [0-1] with its cumulative probability to find a global optimum solution with a smaller Fx value. Subsequently, improving cyclic cycles to non-cyclic reduced time consumption up to 4 times faster. Furthermore, the proposed LRU-GENACO method increased the average HR value of the LRU, LFU, LFUDA, SIZE, GDS, and GDSF algorithms by 1.004%, 8.56%, 3.11%, 9.52%, 5.8%, and 2.63%, respectively. These results were obtained by performing a simulation using the IRcache dataset. The normally distributed data access pattern on the IRcache dataset is more beneficial for LRU-GENACO to improve HR performance. HR performance is affected by cache size, unique requests, and cacheable requests. The larger the cache size, the greater the HR performance. The smaller the unique and cacheable requests, the more excellent HR performance will be.

Kata Kunci : roulette wheel selection, cached data offloading, knapsack problem 0/1, ant colony optimization, genetic algorithm, least recently used

  1. S3-2022-450419-abstract.pdf  
  2. S3-2022-450419-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S3-2022-450419-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S3-2022-450419-title.pdf