Institusi dan Regulasi Terkait Pengelolaan Hutan Alam Lestari sebagai Salah Satu Aksi Mitigasi Indonesia Forest and Other Land Use (FOLU) Net Sink 2030
DANIS SYAHRONI, Andita Aulia Pratama S.Hut.,M.Sc.
2022 | Skripsi | S1 KEHUTANANPengelolaan hutan lestari memegang peranan vital dalam mitigasi perubahan iklim karena keberhasilannya menjamin keberadaan hutan sebagai salah satu ujung tombak untuk mitigasi perubahan iklim. Kebijakan pemerintah terkait komitmen kelestarian menjadi penting dalam rangka mendukung keberhasilan pengelolaan hutan lestari untuk mitigasi perubahan iklim. Untuk itu, diperlukan kebijakan pemerintah yang bersifat lebih strategis dalam rangka mewujudkan aksi tersebut. Penelitian berfokus pada analisis institusi dan regulasi pengelolaan hutan lestari di tingkat pusat sebagai salah satu aksi mitigasi Indonesia Forest and Other Land Use (FOLU) Net Sink 2030. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan berbasi pada sumber sekunder, wawancara dan observasi. Hasil analisis institusi menunjukkan adanya tumpang tindih mandateantara Tim Kelompok Kerja Indonesia FOLU Net Sink 2030 dengan kelembagaan pemerintah yang sudah terbentuk. Optimalisasi mandat lembaga yang telah terbentuk menjadi alternatif solusi. Terdapat 13 regulasi terkait pengelolaan hutan lestari. Analisis menunjukkan adanya dukungan regulasi terhadap aksi pengelolaan hutan lestari untuk mitigasi perubahan iklim. Akan tetapi, perlu akselerasi pembentukan regulasi untuk protokol Reduced Impact Logging-Carbon dan kepastian insentif/disinsentif bagi pelaku usaha untuk mewujudkan tercapainya aksi pengelolaan hutan lestari dalam Indonesia FOLU Net Sink 2030.
Sustainable forest management plays an important role in mitigating climate change because of its success in ensuring the existence of forests as one of the spearheads of climate change mitigation. Government policies related to sustainability commitments are important in order to support the success of sustainable forest management for climate change mitigation. For this reason, more strategic government policies are needed to realize these actions. This research focuses on analyzing the institutions and regulations for sustainable forest management at the central level as one of the mitigation actions for the 2030 Net Sink Indonesia Forest and Other Land Use (FOLU).This study uses a qualitative approach by analyzing institutions and regulations related to sustainable forest management for climate change mitigation at the level of central government. The results of the institutional analysis show that there is an overlap of mandates between the Indonesian FOLU Net Sink 2030 Working Group Team and government institutions that have been formed. Optimizing the institutional mandate that has been formed is one of the alternative solutions. There are 13 regulations related to sustainable forest management. The analysis shows that there is regulatory support for sustainable forest management measures for climate change mitigation.However, it is necessary to accelerate the formation of regulations for the Reduced Impact Logging-Carbon protocol and certainty of incentives/disincentives for business actors to actualize the target of sustainable forest management actions in Indonesia's FOLU Net Sink 2030.
Kata Kunci : pengelolaan hutan lestari, , mitigasi perubahan iklim;sustainable forest management, climate change mitigation