Evaluasi Jaringan Jalan Angkutan Getah Pinus Di RPH Garahan, BKPH Sempolan, KPH Jember
GINA KISMUNISYA P, Dr. Ir. Nunuk Supriyatno, M.Sc.forest trop.,
2022 | Skripsi | S1 KEHUTANANSalah satu infrastruktur yang perlu diperhatikan pada kegiatan pengangkutan adalah pembangunan jaringan jalan hutan untuk akses transportasi hasil hutan termasuk getah pinus. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui karakteristik jaringan jalan hutan yang tersedia dan tingkat keoptimalannya terhadap kegiatan pengangkutan getah pinus. Penelitian dilakukan di RPH Garahan, BKPH Sempolan, KPH Jember dengan luas 2.799,2 ha dan memiliki potensi getah pinus pada tahun 2022 sebesar 649,4 kg/ha. Parameter karakteristik jaringan jalan hutan yang diamati berupa kerapatan jalan (RD), jarak antar jalan (RS), jarak pikul rata-rata teoritis (JPRt), jarak pikul rata-rata terpendek (JPRp), jarak pikul rata-rata lapangan (JPRr), dan persen pembukaan wilayah (E%) serta keoptimalan jaringan jalan yang dihitung melalui kerapatan jalan optimal (ORD). Hasil penelitian diperoleh karakteristik jaringan jalan di RPH Garahan berupa kerapatan Jalan (RD) berada pada tingkat sedang dengan jarak antar jalan (RS) 334,4 m. Rata-rata jarak pikul secara teoritis memiliki nilai sebesar 83,6 m, jarak pikul terpendek 34,8, dan jarak pikul lapangan sebesar 78,6 m. Persentase pembukaan wilayah hutan memiliki klasifikasi yang tidak baik. Nilai Kerapatan Jalan Optimal (ORD) tidak dapat ditemukan karena nilai TC mengalami kenaikan seiring bertambahnya nilai RCC dan RMC, serta perbedaan biaya pemikulan getah pinus yang tidak memiliki perbedaan yang signifikan. Nilai RD sebesar 29,9 m/ha untuk pemanenan getah pinus tidak dapat menunjukkan bahwa jaringan jalan hutan yang telah dibangun sudah atau belum mendukung penyadapan getah pinus hutan yang disebabkan tidak dihasilkan nilai ORD.
One of the infrastructures that must be considered in harvesting, especially transportation activities is the construction of a forest road network to facilitate access to the release of forest products, including pine resin. The aim of this research was to determine the characteristics of the forestry road network and the level of optimization of pine resin transport activities. The research was conducted at RPH Garahan, BKPH Sempolan, and KPH Jember with a surface area of 2779.2 ha, and the potential for pine sap in 2022 is 649.4 kg/ha. The characteristics of the forest road network are observed based on several parameters, such as road density (RD), road spacing (RS), theoretical mean tapping distance (MSDt), shortest mean tapping distance (MSDp), accurate mean tapping distance,the real average driving distance, the percentage of opening forest (E%), and the optimum road network are obtained from the calculation of the optimum road density. The results obtained that the characteristics of the road network at RPH Garahan in the form of road density (RD) were at a moderate level with a distance between roads (RS) of 334.4 m. The average carrying distance theoretically has a value of 83.6 m, the shortest carrying distance is 34.8, and the ground check carrying distance is 78.6 m. The percentage of clearing of the forest area has a poor classification. The Optimal Road Density (ORD) value could not be found because the TC value showed an increase with increasing RCC and RMC values, as well as the difference in the cost of carrying pine sap which did not have a significant difference. The RD value of 29.9 m/ha for the cultivation of pine resin, it cannot show that the forest road system that was built has or has not supported the exploitation of forest pine resin because the value of the ORD is not generated.
Kata Kunci : Pembukaan Wilayah Hutan (PWH), jalan hutan, karakteristik jaringan jalan hutan, kerapatan jalan optimal (ORD);opening of an area forest (PWH), forest road, characteristics of forest road network, Optimum Road Density (ORD).