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Analisis Polimorfisme Gen TGF-β2 Penyandi Pertumbuhan pada Ayam F4 Golden Kamper (Gallus gallus domesticus Linnaeus, 1758)

NURUL HIDAYAH, Prof. Dr. Budi Setiadi Daryono, M.Agr.Sc.

2022 | Skripsi | S1 BIOLOGI

Ayam Golden Kamper adalah ayam hasil persilangan ayam Pelung dan ayam Layer dengan produktivitas daging dan telur yang baik. Salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi kecepatan pertumbuhan ayam adalah gen transforming growth factor-beta2 (TGF-β2) yang berperan dalam embriogenesis, diferensiasi sel, perkembangan otot, pertumbuhan, dan regulasi reproduksi. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mempelajari karakter ayam F4 Golden Kamper serta menganalisis gen TGF-β2 untuk mengetahui pengaruhnya terhadap pertumbuhan ayam. Penelitian dilakukan dengan mengawinkan ayam betina dan jantan F3 Golden Kamper, pemeliharaan ayam indukan dan DOC, koleksi telur, pengambilan data fenotipikik, koleksi darah, amplifikasi DNA, analisis, elektroforesis, serta sekuensing. Parameter yang diamati adalah bobot DOC selama tujuh minggu pertama, karakter fenotipikik kualitatif dan kuantitatif, serta polimorfisme gen TGF-β2. Analisis data dilakukan dengan software Microsoft Excel, IBM SPSS 25, Clustal Omega dan software Genestudio. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan F4 Golden Kamper memiliki karakter fenotipik bentuk jengger tunggal (100%); warna paruh kuning (66.67%) dan putih (33.33%); warna kaki putih (66.67%), kuning (25%), abu-abu (8.33%); warna bulu coklat blirik (58.34%), coklat (20.83%), dan hitam (20.83%). Morfometrik DOC jantan dan betina F4 Golden Kamper tidak berbeda signifikan. Bobot ayam F4 Golden Kamper menunjukkan tidak berbeda signifikan dengan tetuanya. Berdasarkan pendekatan molekuler, terdapat 15 titik polimorfisme, yaitu A173C, T174A, A175T, T178G, C180T, A181C, G182A, T183G, G184T, A186C, G188A, C190G, A191C, T192A, dan C271T. Polimorfisme gen TGF-β2 pada 15 titik polimorfisme substitusi tidak berkorelasi secara signifikan (P>0.05) terhadap pertumbuhan bobot ayam F4 Golden Kamper. Terdapat empat kelompok genotipe yang ditemukan (CC, TT, AA, GG). Polimorfisme yang ditemukan pada gen TGF-β2 tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap bobot ayam, sehingga tidak bisa digunakan sebagai penanda genetik pertumbuhan pada ayam F4 Golden Kamper.

Golden Kamper Chicken is a chicken from crossing between Pelung and Layer chickens that have good meat and egg productivity. One of the factors that influence the growth rate of chickens is the transforming growth factor-beta2 (TGF-β2) gene which plays a role in embryogenesis, cell differentiation, muscle development, growth, and reproductive regulation. This research aimed to study the character of F4 Golden Kamper chickens and to analyze the TGF-β2 gene to determine its effect on chicken growth. The research was carried out by hybridising F3 Golden Kamper hens and males, raising broodstock and DOC, egg collection, phenotypic data collection, blood collection, DNA amplification, electrophoresis, and sequencing. Phenotypic characters, DOC weight for the first seven weeks, and polymorphism of the TGF-β2 gene is observed. Data analyzed using Microsoft Excel, Clustal Omega, IBM SPSS 25, and Genestudio software. The results showed that F4 Golden Kamper had a single crest (100%); beak colors are yellow (66.67%) and white (33.33%); shank color is white (66.67%), yellow (25%), gray (8.33%); feather color is brown blirik (58.34%), brown (20.83%), and black (20.83%). The morphometrics of male and female DOC of F4 Golden Kamper were not significantly different. The weight of the F4 Golden Kamper chicken showed no significant difference from other strain. There are 15 polymorphism points: A173C, T174A, A175T, T178G, C180T, A181C, G182A, T183G, G184T, A186C, G188A, C190G, A191C, T192A, and C271T. TGF-β2 gene polymorphism at 15 substitution polymorphism points that not significantly (significantly correlated (P>0.05) with the growth of F4 Golden Kamper chicken weight. There were four groups of genotypes found (CC, TT, AA, GG). The polymorphism found in the TGF-β2 gene had no significant effect on chicken weight, so it could not be used as a genetic marker of growth in F4 Golden Kamper chickens.

Kata Kunci : persilangan, ayam, pertumbuhan, gen TGF-β2, polimorfisme