Laporkan Masalah

Pengaruh pijat bayi terhadap kenaikan berat badan bayi umur 4 bulan

DASUKI, Mohammad Shoim, dr. Endy Parjanto, Sp.A(K).,MPH

2003 | Tesis | S2 Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat

Latar belakang: Pertumbuhan dan perkembangan yang optimal merupakan hasil interaksi anatra faktor genetik, lingkungan, perilaku, dan stimulus/rangsangan yang berguna. Pengaruh positif stimulus berupa pijet pada proses tumbuh kembang telah lama diketahui namun penelitian ilmiah tentang hal ini masih belum banyak dilakukan. Permasalahan gangguan pertumbuhan (growth faltering)anak indonesia sudah dimulai sejak 1-6 bulan, untuk itu perlu dilakukan upaya untuk mengurangi gangguan pertumbuhan atau untuk meningkatkan kenaikan berat badan. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pijat bayi terhadap kenaikan berat badan bayi umur 4 bulan. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian quasy experimental, dengan rancangan two group postest design dengan kontrol. Subyek penelitian adalah bayi umur 4 bulan. Bayi yang dilahirkan di dua rumah bersalin terpilih satu sebagai kontrol dan yang lain sebagai perlakuan, pijat bayi dilakukan seminggu dua kali selama 4 minggu pada kelompok perlakuan, pijat bayi dilakukan seminggu sekali, data pengetahuan, sikap ibu tentang ASI dikumpulkan sekali selama penelitian. Hasil: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada pengaruh pijat bayi terhadap kenaikan berat badan yang signifikan, Median kelompok kontrol adalah 0,40 kg (rumus), dan median kelompok pijat adalah 0,60 kg (rumus). Ada pengaruh pijat bayi terhadapa perubahan skor-z, median kelompok kontrol adalah -0,27 (rumus) dan kelompok pijat 0,03 (rumus) atau kata lain kelompok kontrol mengalami gangguan pertumbuhan -0,27 SD skor-z sebulan dan kelompok pijat mengalami gangguan pertumbuhan -0,03 Sd skor-z sebulan. Kesimpulan: Bayi yang dipijat kenaikan berat badannya lebih besar daripada bayi yang tidak dipijat.

Latar belakang: The optimum growth and development result from the interaction between genetic, environment, attitude factors as well as useful stimulants. Positive effect of massage on growing has long been recognized, but researches on this phenomenon has not much been performed. The growth faltering on children begin of 1-6 moths of age in indonesia. On that account, attemps to decrease the growth faltering or to make of the weight gain better need to be conducted. Objective: The research was carried out to know the effect of baby massage toward weight gain in 4 months of age. Methods: This research is quasy experimental with two groups of posttest design. The subjects are babies in 4 months of age. Methods: This research is quasy experimental with two groups of posttest design. The subjects are babies in 4 months of age. The babies were born in two hospitals. Those who were born in one hospital were selected as the control group and the rest from the other hospital were selected for the treatment group. The baby massage was performed twice a week for four weeks on the treatment group. The data of weight, food intake, illnes were collected once a week, whereas the data of the mother's knowledgement an attitude toward breastmilk were gathered once during the research. Result: The findings of the research show that there is a significant effect of the massage on the weight gain. The median of the control group is 0,40 kg (rumus),and the median of the treatment group is (rumus). The massage also affected the WAZ, the median of the control group is -0,27 (rumus) , and the treatment group is -0,03(rumus) or put in other words, the control group experienced the growth faltering of -0,27 SD WAZ in one month and the teratment group had it for -0,03 SD WAZ per month. Conclusion: The babies who got the massage treatment have higher weight gain than those who didn't get the treatment.

Kata Kunci : Gizi Balita, Berat Badan, Pijat Bayi, Kenaikan berat badan, Bayi umur 4 bulan

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