2022 | Skripsi | S1 BAHASA DAN KEBUDAYAAN KOREADalam bahasa Korea terdapat situasi dua konsonan bergabung di akhir sebuah suku kata yang kemudian disebut dengan istilah konsonan akhir ganda (kyeobbatchim). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pelafalan standar kyeobbatchim dalam berbagai lingkungan fonologis yang dilakukan oleh sepuluh mahasiswa prodi Bahasa dan Kebudayaan Korea Universitas Gadjah Mada angkatan 2017. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian campuran. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik rekam menggunakan 22 penerapan kyeobbatchim dan pembagian kuesioner. Analisis ketepatan pelafalan didasarkan pada Pasal 4 Pengucapan Konsonan Akhir dalam Aturan Pengucapan Standar Bahasa Korea. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa 67,27% pelafalan kyeobbatchim dilakukan dengan tepat sesuai pelafalan standar. Ketepatan pelafalan tertinggi memiliki angka persentase sebesar 100% yaitu pada penerapan olh-da, anh-a-seo, silh-eo, eulp-eun, eonj-eo, eobs-da, gwichanh-go, hult-eo dan anj-daga. Sementara itu, persentase ketepatan pelafalan terendah terdapat pada penerapan eulp-neun, jjalb-ne, dan halt-neun dengan persentase ketepatan pelafalan 0%. Persentase ketepatan pemilihan konsonan adalah 75,54%. Angka ini lalu menurun menjadi 67,27% setelah dilakukan proses penerapan fenomena fonologis yang mengikuti. Rata-rata ketepatan pelafalan paling tinggi terdapat pada fenomena fonologis eliminasi /h/, penyambungan bunyi, dan pengaspiran yaitu sebesar 100%. Sementara itu, persentase pelafalan terendah terletak pada fenomena fonologis likuidisasi yaitu 0%. Di balik hasil pelafalan yang telah disampaikan, ada beberapa faktor yang memengaruhi pelafalan kyeobbatchim. Pertama, huruf yang muncul setelah kyeobbatchim. Kedua, kurangnya pengetahuan mengenai kyeobbatchim dan fenomena fonologis bahasa Korea. Ketiga, frekuensi keterlibatan dengan bahasa Korea di kehidupan sehari-hari. Keempat, adanya interferensi bahasa. Kelima, teks pelafalan yang kurang terlihat jelas.
In Korean there is a situation where two consonants join at the end of a syllable called final double consonant (kyeobbatchim). This study aims to describe standard pronunciation of kyeobbatchim in various phonological environments by ten students from class of 2017 majoring in Korean Language and Culture Program at Universitas Gadjah Mada. This research using mixed research methods. Data collection techniques were performed by recording techniques using 22 applications of kyeobbatchim and questionnaire sharing. The analysis of kyeobbatchim pronunciation is based on Article 4 of Final Consonant Pronunciation in the Standard Pronunciation Rules of Korean Language. The results of this study indicate that 67,27% of kyeobbatchim pronunciation is done correctly according to standard pronunciation. The highest pronunciation accuracy has a percentage figure of 100%. That was the applications of olh-da, anh-a-seo, silh-eo, eulp-eun, eonj-eo, eobs-da, gwichanh-go, hult-eo and anj-daga. Meanwhile, the lowest percentage of pronunciation accuracy is found in the application of kyeobbatchim eulp-neun, jjalb-ne, and halt-neun with a percentage of pronunciation accuracy of 0%. The percentage of kyeobbatchim consonant selection accuracy is 75,54%. This figure then decreased to 67,27% after the next pronunciation process, application of the phonological phenomena that followed. The highest average pronunciation accuracy is found in the phonological phenomena of /h/ elimination, liaison and aspiration, which is 100%. Meanwhile, the lowest percentage of pronunciation lies in the liquidization phonological phenomenon, which is 0%. Behind the results of the recitation that has been conveyed, there are several factors that influence the pronunciation of kyeobbatchim. First, the letters that appear after kyeobbatchim. Second, the lack of knowledge about kyeobbatchim and Korean phonological phenomena. Third, the frequency of involvement with Korean language in daily life. Fourth, there is language interference. Fifth, the text for the speaking experiment is not clearly readable.
Kata Kunci : konsonan akhir ganda bahasa Korea, kyeobbatchim, pelafalan standar, fenomena fonologis