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Politisasi Sains dalam Kebijakan Konservasi Hutan Indonesia: Studi Kasus Program Tropical Forest Conservation Act II di Kalimantan Tahun 2014-2021

INDAH KUMALASARI, Dr. Riza Noer Arfani, MA


Penelitian ini menjelaskan mengenai politisasi kebijakan konservasi hutan di Indonesia melalui program Tropical Forest Conservation Act II di Kalimantan, sebuah kerjasama berbasis pengalihan utang luar negeri kepada Amerika Serikat. Dimana dalam pelaksanaanya, Pemerintah Indonesia melakukan dominasi kepada aktor lainnya, yakni NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) dan Masyarakat Adat hingga berakhir pada pemutusan kerjasama dengan NGO World Wild Life Foundation (WWF) Indonesia. Padahal WWF tidak hanya merupakan pelopor inisiatif TFCA yang diselenggarakan di dunia, tetapi juga salah satu NGO yang mengarusutamakan topik lingkungan sehingga menjadi isu high-politics dalam politik internasional. Tidak hanya itu, skema TFCA mewajibkan partisipasi NGO di dalamnya, pemutusan sepihak oleh Pemerintah Indonesia merupakan mengindikasikan adanya perbedaan ide dengan aktor lain serta dominasi dalam bentuk relasi kuasa. Dengan menggunakan teori knowledge co-production, penelitian ini menjelaskan proses pengarustumaan isu lingkungan oleh NGO yang utamanya diwakilkan oleh WWF dalam dunia politik internasional hingga akhirnya terbentuk kerangka kerjasama bilateral konervasi hutan TFCA. Namun pemutusan kerjasama membuktikan perbedaan ide masing-masing aktor yakni (i) identity, (ii) institution, (iii) discourse, dan (iv) representative dalam constitutive co-production. Sementara hubungan relasi kuasa dan dominasi Pemerintah Indonesia atas NGO WWF dan Masyarakat Adat merupakan bentuk politisasi dalam kebijakan konervasi hutan dalam TFCA. Akhirnya penelitian ini berusaha menemukan pola politisasi sains, yakni kebijakan yang didasarkan pada alam dan penelitian saintifik pada kebijakan konservasi hutan di Indonesia.

This research describes the politicization of forest conservation policies in Indonesia through the Tropical Forest Conservation Act II (TFCA) program in Kalimantan, a collaboration work on foreign debt-based from the United States. In its implementation, the Government of Indonesia dominated other actors: NGOs (Non-Governmental Organizations) and indigenous peoples were pushed into the termination of collaboration with the NGO based on the certain issue: World Wild Life Foundation (WWF) Indonesia. In fact, WWF is not only the pioneer of the TFCA initiative which was held in the world, but also one of the NGOs that mainstreaming the environmental topics so it became a high-politics issue in international politics. Moreover, TFCA scheme requires the participation of NGOs in it, but eventually the unilateral termination by the Government of Indonesia is an indication of differences in ideas with other actors as well as dominance in the form of power relations. Using knowledge co-production theory, this research explains the process of mainstreaming environmental issues by NGOs, which mainly represented by WWF in international politics and finally the framework for bilateral cooperation on TFCA forest conservation is formed. However, the termination of cooperation proved the different ideas of each actor, which contains: (i) identity; (ii) institution; (iii) discourse; and (iv) representative in constitutive co-production. Meanwhile, the power relations and domination of the Government of Indonesia over the WWF NGO and indigenous peoples is a politicization form in the forest conservation policy in TFCA. Finally, this research found a pattern of science politicization: policies based on nature and scientific research on forest conservation policies in Indonesia.

Kata Kunci : Politisasi Sains, TFCA Kalimantan, Konservasi Hutan Indonesia

  1. S2-2022-466847-abstract.pdf  
  2. S2-2022-466847-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S2-2022-466847-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S2-2022-466847-title.pdf