KONSTRUKSI REALITAS BERITA PANDEMI COVID-19 (Studi Analisis Isi pada Media Online Tirto.id Periode Maret-Juni 2020)
RAHMA LIASA ZAINI, Prof. Dr.phil Hermin Indah Wahyuni, M.Si.
2022 | Tesis | MAGISTER ILMU KOMUNIKASIPandemi Covid-19 sebagai realitas baru di Indonesia, yang terjadi sejak tahun 2020, telah menjadi persoalan ekologi (lingkungan) dan ancaman serius bagi masyarakat modern. Bersamaan dengan itu, muncul beragam jenis berita bohong di kanal online maupun offline. Sementara itu, ditinjau dari industri media di Indonesia alih-alih menjadi sumber informasi rujukan. Sebaliknya, malah memproduksi pernyataan yang meremehkan krisis, misinformasi, memberi ruang lebar rasisme dan memproyeksikan kepanikan. Di sisi lain, tidak semua media menyajikan hal yang sama, seperti, Tirto. Berangkat dari persoalan tersebut, dengan menggunakan pendekatan analisis isi kualitatif, riset ini bertujuan memberikan gambaran atas realitas Covid-19 yang dibangun Tirto melalui perspektif konstruksi realitas Niklas Luhmann, yang terkenal dengan pendekatan sistem. Hasil riset menunjukkan konstruksi realitas berita pandemi Covid-19 di Tirto bersifat informatif berdasar penerapan sembilan unsur selektor informasi, yakni, kejutan, konflik, kuantitas, relevansi lokal, pelanggaran norma, penilaian moral, aktor dan tindakan, persyaratan item berita, dan opini publik. Lebih jauh, pengaplikasian selektor informasi menghasilkan temuan lanjutan berupa struktur ganda media melalui kemunculan kode dari sistem sosial pada teks berita, yakni, sistem sistem kesehatan, ekonomi, hukum, politik, dan sains. Di samping itu, juga menunjukkan resonansi Tirto terhadap realitas Covid-19, meliputi: penyebab penyebaran Covid-19 di Indonesia oleh transmisi internasional, dan nasional, penyebab lonjakan kasus Covid-19, periksa fakta tentang berita bohong, dampak covid-19 di sektor kesehatan, ekonomi (termasuk bagi kelompok marjinal), pentingnya kebijakan yang selaras antara ekonomi dan kesehatan dalam penanganan Covid-19, dan kritikan terhadap wacana new normal.
The Covid-19 pandemic as a new reality in Indonesia, which has occurred since 2020, has become an ecological (environmental) problem and a serious threat to modern society. At the same time, various types of fake news emerged on online and offline media. Meanwhile, in terms of the media industry in Indonesia, instead of being a source of reference information. Instead of being a source of reference information, they produce statements that belittle the crisis, misinformation, give racism ample space, and project panic. On the other hand, not all media present the same thing, such as Tirto. Departing from this problem, using a qualitative content analysis approach, this research tries to provide an overview of the Covid-19 reality that Tirto built through the perspective of Niklas Luhmann's reality construction, who is famous for his systems approach. The result of the resurt show that the construction of the reality of the covid-19 pandemic news in Tirto is informative based on the application of nine elements of the information selector, namely, surprise, conflict, quantity, local relevance, violation of norms, moral judgments, actors and actions, news item requirements, and public opinion. Furthermore, the application of the information selector resulted in further findings in the form of a dual structure of media through the emergence of codes from social systems in news texts, namely, systems of health, economics, law, politics, and science. In addition, it also shows Tirto's resonance with the reality of Covid-19, including the causes of the spread of Covid-19 in Indonesia by international and national transmission, the cause of the spike in Covid-19 cases, checking facts about fake news, the impact of covid-19 in the health sector, the economy (including for marginalized groups), the importance of policies that are aligned between the economy and health in handling Covid-19, and criticism of the new normal discourse.
Kata Kunci : Covid-19, Tirto.id, Konstruksi Realitas Berdasarkan Perspektif Niklas Luhmann dan Studi Analisis Isi