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ANALISIS STRUKTURASI GIDDENS DI PROGRAM SEKOLAH CALON AYAH (Studi tentang Pendidikan Pranikah Alternatif pada Program Sekolah Calon Ayah di Yogyakarta)

GITA OCTAVIANI, Dr. Amelia Maika


Persepsi tradisional pada pembagian peran suami dan istri tidak lagi relevan. Pembagian peran suami dan istri berdasarkan jenis kelamin bukan merupakan hal yang diterima begitu saja (given) melainkan konstruksi sosial-budaya atas perbedaan tingkah laku laki-laki dan perempuan. Program Sekolah Calon Ayah berupaya membongkar relasi tradisional tersebut melalui kurikulum pembelajaran didukung dengan beragam aktivitas transfer pengetahuan di dalamnya. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif pendekatan studi kasus. Informan penelitian diambil secara purposive. Tujuh informan berpartisipasi dalam penelitian ini, satu informan merupakan pendiri program dan enam informan lainnya merupakan alumni program Sekolah Calon Ayah. Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara, observasi nonpartisipan, dan bahan audiovisual pada program Sekolah Calon Ayah. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis manual (transcript coding). Penelitian ini menggunakan teori strukturasi Anthony Giddens untuk mengeksplorasi dualitas struktur-agen dalam proses transfer pengetahuan dan refleksivitas agen pasca pembelajaran. Hasil penelitian ini memuat deskripsi Sekolah Calon Ayah sebagai program pranikah alternatif di luar program pranikah formal. Penanda mampunya program Sekolah Calon Ayah sebagai program alternatif ini dilihat melalui metode transfer pengetahuan dan kurikulum pembelajaran yang tidak dirancang hanya untuk memenuhi syarat formal. Namun, metode transfer pengetahuan dirancang secara variatif, interaksi antarindividu dibangun secara horizontal, dan ada upaya menciptakan program berkelanjutan (forum alumni). Selain itu, kurikulum program Sekolah Calon Ayah berupaya mengkritik relasi keluarga tradisional dengan narasi peran seorang ayah berdasarkan ajaran Islam. Peran ayah sebagai pencari nafkah sama pentingnya pada perannya dalam aktivitas domestik. Di sisi lain, program ini tengah berada dalam fase adaptasi sistem pembelajaran. Sistem pembelajaran antarangkatan belum dirancang secara baku (tetap) sehingga masih ada kemungkinan durasi pembelajaran, metode, dan fasilitas transfer pengetahuan mengalami perubahan konsep tiap tahunnya. Dengan demikian, program Sekolah Calon Ayah mampu menjadi program pranikah Islam alternatif di luar program pranikah formal. Khususnya ditujukan untuk membekali pengetahuan dan skill calon ayah pada perannya dalam keluarga.

The traditional perception of the division of roles between husband and wife is no longer relevant. The division of the roles of husband and wife based on gender is not something that is taken for granted, but a socio-cultural construction of behaviour differences in men and women. Sekolah Calon Ayah Program seeks to expose these traditional relations through a learning curriculum supported by various knowledge transfer activities in it. This research is a qualitative research with a case study approach. Research informants were taken purposively. Seven informants participated in this research, one informant is the founder of the program and the others are alumni of Sekolah Calon Ayah Program. Data were collected through interviews, non-participant observations, and audiovisual materials in Sekolah Calon Ayah Program. The data analysis technique used manual analysis (transcript coding). This study used Anthony Giddens' structuration theory to explore the structure-agent duality in the knowledge transfer process and post-learning agent reflexivity. The results of this study include a description of Sekolah Calon Ayah Program as an alternative pre-wedding program out of the formal pre-wedding program. The sign of the ability of Sekolah Calon Ayah Program as an alternative program is known through the method of knowledge transfer and learning curriculum which are not designed only to meet formal requirements. However, knowledge transfer methods are designed in various ways, interactions between individuals are built horizontally, and there are efforts to create sustainable programs (alumni forums). Furthermore, the curriculum of Sekolah Calon Ayah Program seeks to criticize traditional family relations with the narrative of the role of a father based on Islamic teachings. The role of the father as a breadwinner is as important as his role in domestic activities. On the other hand, this program is currently in the adaptation phase of the learning system. The inter-grade learning system has not been designed by default (fixed) so that there is still the possibility that the duration of learning, methods, and knowledge transfer facilities will have a change in the concepts every year. Thus, Sekolah Calon Ayah Program is able to become an alternative Islamic pre-wedding program out of the formal pre-wedding program. Specifically, it is aimed at equipping the knowledge and skills of fathers wanna be in their role in the family.

Kata Kunci : Alternative Pre Marriage Program, Sekolah Calon Ayah Program, Structuration, Agency-Structure Duality,

  1. S2-2022-449284-abstract.pdf  
  2. S2-2022-449284-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S2-2022-449284-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S2-2022-449284-title.pdf