DAHLIA ELIANARNI, Prof. Dr. Ir. Sri Raharjo, M.Sc
2022 | Tesis | MAGISTER ILMU DAN TEKNOLOGI PANGANNanostructured lipid carrier adalah metode enkapsulasi yang dikembangkan dari metode solid lipid nanocarrier. Pembuatan nanostructured lipid carrier menggunakan metode mikroemulsi dapat terjadi secara spontan dan memerlukan energi yang rendah. Metode mikroemulsi dibuat dengan rasio Tween 80 : Span 20 (80:20 ; 70:30), lipid : surfaktan (1:3,75 ; 1:4), palm stearin : red palm oil (8:2 ; 7:3 ; 6:4). Formula terbaik diperoleh pada rasio Tween 80 : Span 20 = 80:20, lipid : surfaktan = 1:4, dan palm stearin : red palm oil = 6:4. Formula terbaik memiliki ukuran partikel sebesar 24,73±0,06 nm, zeta potential sebesar -7,43 mV, turbiditas sebesar 0,183%, dan polydispersity index sebesar 0,06. Karakterisasi formula terbaik menghasilkan loading capacity beta karoten sebesar 1,97%, efisiensi enkapsulasi 99,57%, beragam gugus fungsi yang dianalis menggunakan FTIR, suhu kerusakan sistem pada 146,03°C, dan emulsi yang stabil pada suhu ruang selama penyimpanan 4 minggu. Formula terbaik kemudian di aplikasikan pada produk minuman yoghurt dengan rasio nanostructured lipid carrier : minuman yoghurt adalah 1:18. Hasil aplikasi pada minuman yoghurt menunjukkan peningkatan pH dari 4,13 menjadi 4,37; penurunan stabilitas enkapsulasi beta karoten dari 78,45% menjadi 49,29%, dan hasil evaluasi sensoris yang tidak berbeda nyata pada parameter warna dan aroma namun berbeda nyata pada atribut rasa.
Nanostructured lipid carrier is one of encapsulation methode that developed from solid lipid nanocarrier. This system can encapsulate bioactive compound that soluble in oil, one of them is beta caroten. The microemulsion methode was choose because emulsion can occur spontaneously and spent lower energy. The aim of this study was to investigate the characteristic of red palm oil nanostructured lipid carriers made with microemulsion method. The microemulsion procedures prepared with ratio Tween 80 : Span 20 (80:20 ; 70:30), lipid : surfactant (1:3.75 ; 1:4), palm stearin : red palm oil (8:2 ; 7:3 ; 6:4). The best particle size was found at ratio Tween 80 : Span 20 = 80:20, lipid : surfactant = 1:4, palm stearin : red palm oil = 6:4 respectively. The best formula have particle size about 24.73 ± 0.06 nm, zeta potential -7.43, turbidity 0,183% and polydispersity index at 0.06. This formulation indicated a loading capacity of 1.97%, encapsulation efficiency of 99.57%, several functional group, breakdown temperature at 146.03°C, and emulsion stability with storage at room temperature for four weeks. This best formulation was applied in drinking yoghurt with ratio nanostructured lipid carrier and yoghurt 1:18. The result for drinking yoghurt application is increasing pH from 4.13 to 4.37, reducing encapsulation stability from 78.45% to 49.29%, and the sensory evaluation with the result no significant difference in color, aroma, and significant difference at the taste of yoghurt.
Kata Kunci : Red palm oil, nanostructured lipid carrier, mikroemulsi, minuman yoghurt