Deteksi Begomovirus pada Kutu Kebul (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) di Tanaman Terong (Solanum melongena L.) dan Cabai Rawit (Capsicum frutescens L.)
PRASETYA ANUGERAH GUSTI YOEDO PUTRA, Dr.biol.hom. Nastiti Wijayanti, S.Si., M.Si.
2022 | Skripsi | S1 BIOLOGITanaman perkebunan merupakan salah satu bidang usaha ekonomi terbesar di Indonesia. Tanaman terong dan cabai rawit merupakan jenis tanaman yang paling sering ditemukan di perkebunan Indonesia. Kedua tanaman tersebut memiliki kemungkinan untuk terinfeksi Begomovirus melalui vektor kutu kebul. Infeksi Begomovirus akan menyebabkan adanya gejala tanaman menjadi kerdil serta daun keriting kuning dan juga turunnya produktivitas dari tanaman. Gen coat protein (CP) Begomovirus dapat digunakan sebagai deteksi awal keberadaan virus Begomovirus. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeteksi keberadaan Begomovirus pada kutu kebul di tanaman terong dan cabai rawit. Sampling serangga dilakukan di daerah Maguwoharjo, Depok, Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Sampel serangga diambil dari daun tanaman terong dan cabai rawit yang menunjukkan gejala terinfeksi Begomovirus. Identifikasi serangga dilakukan secara mikroskopis. Isolasi genome dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode isolasi lysis buffer. Kualitas genome diuji secara kualitatif dan kuantitatif dengan elektroforesis gel agarose dan nanodrop. Deteksi Begomovirus dilakukan menggunakan metode PCR dengan primer universal gen CP/ AV1 Begomovirus Krusty dan Homer. Identifikasi mikroskopis menunjukkan sampel serangga termasuk ke dalam Familia Aleyrodidae yang berciri bersayap opaque berwarna putih, tertutupi serbuk putih. Sayap belakang hampir sama besar dengan sayap depan. Hasil isolasi genome menunjukkan band genome pada uji kualitatif, walaupun pada uji kuantitatif ada sampel yang terbaca. Deteksi Begomovirus dengan PCR menunjukkan diperolehnya band berukuran ± 580 bp pada semua sampel. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan semua sampel serangga kutu kebul dapat menjadi vektor pembawa Begomovirus.
The plantation is one of the largest economic sectors in Indonesia. Eggplant and cayenne chili are the most common types of plants found in Indonesian plantations. Both plants can be infected with Begomovirus through whitefly vectors. Begomovirus infection will cause plant symptoms to become stunted and yellow curly leaves and also a decrease in plant productivity. Begomovirus coat protein (CP) gene can be used as early detection of the presence of Begomovirus virus. This study aimed to detect the presence of Begomovirus in whitefly on eggplant and cayenne pepper. Insect sampling was carried out in Maguwoharjo, Depok, Sleman, Yogyakarta Special Region. Insect samples were taken from the leaves of the eggplant and cayenne pepper plants which showed symptoms of Begomovirus infection. Insect identification was carried out microscopically. Genome isolation was carried out using the lysis buffer isolation method. The quality of the genome was tested qualitatively and quantitatively by agarose gel electrophoresis and nanodrops. Begomovirus detection was carried out using the PCR method with universal primers for the CP/AV1 Begomovirus Krusty and Homer genes. Microscopic identification showed that the insect samples belonged to the Familia Aleyrodidae which were characterized by white opaque wings, covered with white powder. The hind wings are almost as large as the front wings. The results of genome isolation showed genome bands in the qualitative test, although in the quantitative test there were readable samples. Begomovirus detection by PCR showed that a band measuring ± 580 bp was obtained in all samples. So it can be concluded that all samples of whitefly insects can be vectors of Begomovirus carriers.
Kata Kunci : Begomovirus, Cabai rawit, Kutu kebul, PCR, Terong