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Analisis Jenis dan Fungsi Tindak Tutur Ilokusi dalam Acara Ragam Handsome Tigers

GETA IMANUELLA, Hwang Who Young, M.A


Penelitian bertujuan mendeskripsikan jenis dan fungsi tindak tutur ilokusi tuturan pelatih dan atlet tim Handsome Tigers dalam episode tujuh dan delapan. Data penelitian ini dikumpulkan dengan metode simak dan catat. Data yang telah diklasifikasi, dianalisis secara deskriptif kualitatif dengan menggunakan teori Searle (1979) yang membagi tindak tutur ilokusi menjadi lima jenis, yaitu asertif, deklaratif, asertif, direktif, dan komisif. Hasil penelitian berupa empat jenis tindak tutur ilokusi yang dianalisis berdasarkan fungsinya. Keempat jenis tindak tutur ilokusi tersebut adalah (1) asertif yang meliputi fungsi melaporkan, fungsi menyatakan dan fungsi penegasan, (2) direktif yang meliputi fungsi perintah, fungsi meminta, fungsi memberi nasehat, fungsi ajakan dan fungsi larangan, (3) ekspresif meliputi fungsi pujian, fungsi menyalahkan, fungsi mengeluh, fungsi kebahagiaan dan fungsi berterimakasih, dan (4) deklaratif dengan fungsi memutuskan. Tindak tutur direktif fungsi perintah menjadi tindak tuturan paling dominan yang digunakan dalam percakapan antara pelatih dan atlet pada acara ragam Handsome Tigers episode tujuh dan delapan.

This research analyzes the types and functions of illocutionary speech acts in the variety show Handsome Tigers which aims to describe the types and functions of illocutionary speech acts of coaches and athletes of the Handsome Tigers team in episodes seven and eight. The research data is in the form of oral data sourced from conversations between coaches and athletes that were collected by the method of listening and recording. The classified data were analyzed descriptively qualitatively using Searle's (1979) theory which divides illocutionary speech acts into five types, namely assertive, declarative, assertive, directive, and commissive. The result of this study, in the reality show Handsome Tigers episodes seven and eight found four types of illocutionary speech act. The four types of illocutionary speech acts are (1) assertive has three functions including reporting, stating, affirming, (2) directive that has five functions including command, asking, giving advice, inviting, prohibiting, (3) expressive that has five functions including praise, blame, complaining, happiness, gratitude, (4) declarative that has decide function. The illocutionary speech act function that is most often spoken is the command directive function.

Kata Kunci : illocution, reality show, directive, assertive, expressive, declarative, pragmatic