Webtoon "Secretly Greatly (Eunmilhage Widaehage)" dan Film "Secretly Greatly (Eunmilhage Widaehage)": Kajian Ekranisasi
SHINDY YUDHA EKA P, Suray Agung Nugroho, M.A., Ph.D.
2022 | Skripsi | S1 BAHASA DAN KEBUDAYAAN KOREAPenelitian ini membahas tentang ekranisasi webtoon Secretly Greatly karya penulis Hun menjadi film dengan judul yang sama, Secretly Greatly, yang disutradarai oleh Jang Cheol Soo. Dalam penelitian ini, teori yang digunakan adalah teori struktural dari Robert Stanton (1965) dan teori ekranisasidari Pamusuk Eneste (1991). Teori struktural digunakan untuk menganalisis struktur cerita yang terkandung dalam webtoon Secretly Greatly dan film Secretly Greatly. Terdapat tiga unsur dalam teori struktural, namun dalam penelitian ini berfokus pada salah satu unsurnya saja, yakni fakta-fakta cerita. Fakta-fakta cerita terdiri atas alur, karakter, dan latar. Kemudian, teori ekranisasi digunakan untuk mengungkapkan perbedaan antara webtoon Secretly Greatly dan film Secretly Greatly. Perbedaan yang diungkapkan terjadi akibat penciutan, penambahan dan perubahan variasi dalam film Secretly Greatly. Hasil penelitian ini, pertama, persamaan antara kedua karya tersebut adalah semua karakter penting dalam webtoon Secretly Greatly dimunculkan dalam film Secretly Greatly. Kedua, perbedaan antara kedua karya sastra adalah akibat adanya penciutan, penambahan dan perubahan variasi. Penciutan terjadi pada unsur alur dan latar tempat. Terdapat beberapa potongan adegan dan latar tempat seperti apartemen Seo Sang-goo dalam webtoon Secretly Greatly yang dihilangkan. Perbedaan akibat penambahan juga terjadi pada unsur karakter, alur, dan latar tempat. Misalnya saja penambahan karakter Kim Hwigak. Selain itu, terdapat juga perubahan variasi yang terjadi pada unsur karakter, alur, dan latar tempat
This study discusses adaptation of Hun’s webtoon tittled Secretly Greatly made in 2010 into film with the same name, Secretly Greatly directed by Jang Cheolsoo in 2013. In this study, the theories used are the structural theory of Robert Stanton (1965) and the ecranisation theory of Pamusuk Eneste (1991). Structural theory is used to analyze the structure of stories contained in the webtoon Secretly Greatly and the film Secretly Greatly. There are three elements in structural theory, but the study focuses on one of the elements only: the facts of the story. The facts of the story consist of plots, characters, and settings. Later, the theory of ecranisation was used to reveal the difference between the webtoon Secretly Greatly and the film Secretly Greatly. The differences revealed occur due to the subtraction, addition and variations changes in the film Secretly Greatly. The results of this study, first, the similarities between the two works are all important characters in the webtoon Secretly Greatly appeared in the film Secretly Greatly. Second, the difference between the two literary is due to the subtraction, addition and variation changes. Subtraction occurs in the plot and setting. There are several pieces of scenes and the setting of places such as Seo Sang-goo's apartment in the webtoon Secretly Greatly that was omitted. Differences due to addition also occur in character, plot, and settings. For example, the addition of the character Kim Hwigak. On the other hand, there are also variation changes that occur in the character elements, plot, and setting.
Kata Kunci : Secretly Greatly, Webtoon, Film, Teori Struktural, Ekranisasi