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YUNI NUR RAHMIYATI, Andri Handayani, S.S., M.A.

2021 | Tugas Akhir | D4 BAHASA INGGRIS

Proyek Akhir ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan proses penulisan dan penerjemahan artikel, serta menganalisa alasan mahasiswa DBSMB mengunjungi laman resmi DBSMB melalui pendekatan Uses and Gratification oleh Blumler dan Katz. Pendekatan ini dipilih untuk mengetahui jenis informasi yang dibutuhkan seseorang dari media, terutama dalam hal ini adalah informasi apa yang mahasiswa cari dari sebuah website akademik. Hal ini diperlukan departemen agar dapat mengakomodasi kebutuhan informasi mahasiswa. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitan ini adalah metode kualitatif. Metode ini dipilih karena hasil dari penelitian jenis ini lebih sesuai direpresentasikan dalam kata-kata daripada angka. Observasi, wawancara, dan kajian pustaka dilakukan untuk mengumpulkan data. Proses observasi dilakukan melalui magang selama 12 (dua belas) minggu di bagian Humas DBSMB SV UGM dan wawancara dilakukan dengan 5 (lima) responden yang dipilih sebagai sampel dalam penelitian ini. Sementara itu, studi pustaka dilakukan dengan mempelajari buku dan penelitian terdahulu, diantaranya buku Jurnalistik Online Panduan Mengelola Media Online oleh Romli (2018), Website Content, Target Market, and Design Aspect of DBSMB SV UGM Official Website oleh Silvester Niki Pamula (2019), serta Website Quality Measurement of DBSMB SV UGM using the Webqual 4.0 Method oleh Selma Andana (2021). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa proses penulisan berita yang dilakukan departemen dapat menjaga kebaharuan berita karena dapat diselesaikan dalam waktu satu hari. Menurut Romli (2018), hasil artikel sesuai dengan kriteria, elemen, serta efektif. Proses penerjemahan artikel tidak seefektif proses penulisan artikel dikarenakan oleh kurangnya SDM, namun langkah-langkah penerjemahan sesuai dengan yang dikemukakan Eugine Nida (1969). Kebutuhan mahasiswa akan informasi berbeda-beda, tergantung tingkat mereka. Berdasarkan pendekatan Uses and Gratifications, website DBSMB telah memenuhi 4 (empat) dari 5 (lima) aspek kebutuhan seseorang terhadap media diantaranya kebutuhan kognitif, afektif, personal, dan integrasi sosial. Namun, terdapat perbedaan pendapat mengenai apakah website memenuhi pemenuhan kebutuhan akan pelepasan ketegangan.

This Final Project aims to explain the process of article writing and translating and analyze why students in DBSMB visit the DBSMB Official Website page through the Uses and Gratifications approach by Blumler and Katz. This approach is chosen because it can help navigate the audiences' attention from media, especially what students seek from an academic website. The department needs this kind of information to accommodate the students' needs. The method used in this study is the qualitative method. This method is chosen because the result from this type of research will be best described in words than numbers. An observation, an interview session with students, and a library study were conducted to gather the data. The observation process was done through 12 (twelve) weeks of internship in the PR division of DBSMB SV UGM. The interview was done with 5 (five) respondents chosen to be the sample of this research. Meanwhile, the library study was done by studying books and past researches, some of them are �Jurnalistik Online Panduan Mengelola Media Online� by Romli (2018), Website Content, Target Market, and Design Aspect of DBSMB SV UGM Official Website by Silvester Niki Pamula (2019), by Website Quality Measurement of DBSMB SV UGM using the Webqual 4.0 Method oleh Selma Andana (2021). The results indicate that the department's news writing process is able to maintain the timeliness of the news as it was finished within a day. The article's outcome aligns with Romli's criteria, elements, and affectivity (2018). Due to the lack of human resources, the article translating process is less effective than the news writing process; however, the steps are identical to Eugine Nida's (1969) translating process. The students' needs towards academic information are differentiated by their stages. According to the Uses and Gratification Approach, the website has 4 (four) out of 5 (five) aspects of fulfilling someone's needs towards media usage: cognitive, affective, personal, and social integration needs. However, there are opposing opinion-whether or not the website meets someone's tension release needs. The first opinion is the website has enough tension release aspect through some articles, and the second opinion is the website does not have this aspect and it is not supposed to.

Kata Kunci : Website, News Writing, Article Translation, Uses and Gratifications Theory

  1. D4-2021-450920-abstract.pdf  
  2. D4-2021-450920-bibliography.pdf  
  3. D4-2021-450920-tableofcontents.pdf  
  4. D4-2021-450920-title.pdf