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Strategi Terjemahan Subtitle Film Geukhan Jigeob

YUSTITIAYU RUMANDARI, Dr. Suray Agung Nugroho, S.S., M.A., Ph.D.


Penelitian ini membahas tentang strategi penerjemahan semantik yang digunakan untuk menerjemahkan subtitle dalam film Geukhan Jigeob karya Lee Byeong-heon. Subtitle film tersebut diterjemahkan oleh Coffee_Prison yang diunggah dalam subscene. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui berbagai cara Coffee_Prison menggunakan strategi semantik dalam menerjemahkan subtitle film yang berdurasi 01 jam 51 menit 10 detik tersebut. Khususnya, penelitian ini memfokuskan data berupa penerjemahan ujaran terkait budaya Korea yang diucapkan oleh dua tokoh utama, detektif Go dan detektif Jang dalam film yang diterjemahkan secara semantis. Kemudian, penerjemahan subtitle itu dinilai tepat atau tidaknya. Apabila belum tepat, maka penelitian ini mengusulkan penerjemahan alternatif untuk memperjelas makna kata/frasa/kalimat yang dimaksud. Data dari penelitian terdapat 15 kalimat. Kalimat tersebut kemudian dianalisis dengan menggunakan dua strategi penerjemahan menurut Suryawinata dan Hariyanto (2016: 67), yaitu strategi padanan budaya dan strategi padanan deskriptif. Hasil analisis penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ditemukan strategi pengurangan (substraction) tiga (3) kali pada lima belas (15) data. Strategi sinonim ditemukan sebanyak lima (5) kali pada lima belas (15) data. Strategi penambahan dan pengurangan informasi ditemukan sebanyak delapan (8) kata pada lima belas data (15). Temuan dari strategi struktural adalah pengurangan (substraction) pada kalimat BSu. Temuan dari strategi semantik adalah padanan kata yang kurang lebih sama di BSu dan Bsa. Strategi penambahan dan pengurangan informasi digunakan ketika penerjemah merasa terjemahan itu penting dan tidak penting.

This research analyzes the semantic translation strategy used to translate subtitles in Lee Byeong-heon's Geukhan Jigeob movie. The subtitle of the movie was translated by Coffee_Prison which was uploaded in a subscene. This research aims to find out the various ways Coffee_Prison uses semantic strategies in translating the subtitle of the movie which has a duration of 01 hours 51 minutes 10 seconds. Specifically, this research focuses on the data in the form of the translation of the utterances spoken by the two main characters (detective Go and detective Jang) in the movie. Those utterances are translated semantically into Indonesian language and the translation of the subtitles is analyzed as to wether they are acceptable or not. Once the researcher finds it unacceptable, this study proposes an alternative translation to clarify the meaning of the word, phrase, and sentence in question. The data consist of 10 utterances (words, phrases, sentences) which are then analyzed using two translation strategies according to Suryawinata and Hariyanto (2016: 67), namely the cultural equivalent strategy and the descriptive equivalent strategy. The results of the analysis showed that three (3) times subtraction strategies were found in fifteen (15) data. Synonym strategies were found five (5) times in fifteen (15) data. The strategy of adding and subtracting information was found as many as eight (8) words in fifteen (15). The findings from the structural strategy are subtraction in SL sentences. The findings from the semantic strategy are equivalent words that are more or less the same in source language (SL) and target language (TL). The strategy of adding and subtracting information is used when the translator feels the translation is important and not important.

Kata Kunci : strategi semantik, strategi penerjemahan, subtitle, Geukhan Jigeob

  1. S1-2021-364388-abstract.pdf  
  2. S1-2021-364388-bibliography.pdf  
  3. S1-2021-364388-tableofcontent.pdf  
  4. S1-2021-364388-title.pdf