HARIS OKTA AKBAR SY., drg. Murti Indrastuti, M.Kes, Sp.Pros.(K); Dr. drg. Endang Wahyuningtyas, M.S., Sp. Pros.(K).
2020 | Tesis-Spesialis | PROSTODONSIALithium disilicate dan hybrid ceramic merupakan material ceramic yang sering digunakan untuk restorasi veneer gigi depan karena memiliki estetika dan ketahanan yang baik. Semen resin merupakan bahan sementasi yang sering digunakan untuk sementasi restorasi veneer dan efektif untuk restorasi ceramic sedangkan resin komposit preheated merupakan bahan sementasi restorasi veneer yang relatif baru, belum sering digunakan sehingga masih perlu diteliti. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji perbandingan kekuatan geser antara resin komposit preheated dengan semen resin pada sementasi veneer berbahan hybrid ceramic dan lithium disilicate. Sampel penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah lithium disilicate dan hybrid ceramic berbentuk tabung dengan ukuran 5,5 x 3 cm. Jumlah total sampel adalah 24 sampel. Sampel tersebut dibagi menjadi empat kelompok, yaitu kelompok lithium disilicate dengan bahan sementasi resin komposit preheated (n=6), kelompok lithium disilicate dengan bahan sementasi semen resin (n=6), kelompok hybrid ceramic dengan bahan sementasi resin komposit preheated (n=6), dan kelompok hybrid ceramic dengan bahan sementasi semen resin (n=6). Uji kekuatan geser veneer lithium disilicate dan hybrid ceramic dengan bahan sementasi semen resin dan resin komposit preheated dilakukan dengan menggunakan Universal Testing Machine. Hasil penelitian dianalisis dengan menggunakan Anava dua jalur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada perbedaan kekuatan geser yng signifikan antara bahan veneer dan bahan sementasi (p<0,05). Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah sementasi resin komposit preheated pada veneer bahan hybrid ceramic dan lithium disilicate dapat meningkatkan kekuatan geser. Kekuatan geser bahan sementasi resin komposit preheated lebih tinggi dibandingkan semen resin Kata Kunci: Hybrid Ceramic, Lithium Disilicate, Kekuatan Geser, Resin Komposit Preheated, Semen Resin
Lithium disilicate and hybrid ceramic are ceramic materials those often used for veneer restoration of the front teeth because they have good aesthetics and durability. Cement resin is cementation material which is often used for cementation veneer restoration and is effective for ceramic restoration while the preheated composite resin is a relatively new cementation veneer restoration material. Preheated composite resin is not yet frequently used so it still needs to be investigated. The purpose of this study was to examine the comparison of shear strength between preheated composite resin and cement resin on veneer cementation of hybrid ceramic and lithium disilicate materials. The research sample used in this study was lithium disilicate and hybrid ceramics tubular with a size of 5.5 x 3 cm. The total number of samples were 24 samples. They were divided into four groups, namely lithium disilicate group with preheated composite resin cementation material (n=6), lithium disilicate group with cement resin cementation material (n=6), a hybrid ceramic group with preheated composite resin cementation material (n=6), and hybrid ceramic group with cement resin cementation material (n=6). The shear strength test of lithium disilicate and hybrid ceramic veneers with cement cement resin and preheated composite resin was carried out using the Universal Testing Machine. The results of the study were analyzed using a two-way ANOVA. The results showed there were a significant difference in shear strength between veneer and cementation materials (p <0.05). The conclusion of this study is the cementation of preheated composite resins on the veneers of hybrid ceramic and lithium disilicate materials could increase shear strength. The shear strength of cementation materials of preheated composite resins is higher than resin cement. Key words: Hybrid Ceramic, Lithium Disilicate, Shear Strength, Resin Composite Preheated, Resin Cement
Kata Kunci : Hybrid Ceramic, Lithium Disilicate, Kekuatan Geser, Resin Komposit Preheated, Semen Resin