ROFI', Drs. Agus Wahyudi, M.Si., M.A., Ph.D
2020 | Skripsi | S1 FILSAFATKonsep siyasah aliyah samiyah merupakan pedoman politik organisasi Nahdlatul Ulama (NU). Siyasah aliyah samiyah meliputi politik kebangsaan, politik kerakyatan, serta etika berpolitik. Konsep siyasah aliyah samiyah bertujuan membangun wawasan organisasi NU dalam mewujudkan integrasi bangsa dan menjadi pengendali NU dari kontestasi politik. Sejarah keterlibatan kiai NU dalam memperjuangan politik di Indonesia menunjukkan eksistensi kiai NU sebagai bentuk kepemimpinan nonformal di tengah masyarakat. siyasah aliyah samiyah sebagai politik tingkat tinggi NU dapat dijadikan sarana politik kiai NU dalam mengarahkan model politik NU. Penelitian ini bertujuan melakukan eksplorasi komprehensif mengenai peran konsep siyasah aliyah samiyah sebagai sarana politik kiai NU serta analisis kritis teori Hegemoni Gramsci terhadap peran siyasah aliyah samiyah pada sikap politik NU. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian filsafat berbasis kualitatif menggunakan problem masyarakat aktual dengan teknik pengumpulan data meliputi wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Dalam pengolahan data, peneliti menggunakan metode hermeneutika filosofis yang meliputi; deskriptif, koherensi internal, interpretasi, serta heuristik. Konsep siyasah aliyah samiyah berperan sebagai pedoman politik NU dalam mengawal politik NU untuk kembali pada khittah NU tahun 1926. Siyasah aliyah samiyah dimanfaatkan oleh kiai NU dalam menggaungkan politik yang mengutamakan negara diatas kepentingan politik praktis. Kiai NU hadir di tengah masyarakat sebagai intelektual tradisional yang memiliki kekuatan historisitas akan politik dan ideologis. Perpaduan antara konsep siyasah aliyah samiyah dengan intelektualitas tradisional kiai NU mampu menciptakan hegemoni di masyarakat sebagai pihak dominan. Eksistensi kiai NU menggunakan konsep siyasah aliyah samiyah dapat membangun rekayasa politik melalui narasi-narasi politik yang diciptakan. Sehingga kiai NU dapat mentransfer nilai-nilai politik serta ideologi kepada masyarakat.
The concept of siyasah aliyah samiyah is a political tool of the organization Nahdlatul Ulama (NU). It constitutes national politics, people as politics, and political ethics. In addition, the aims at building NU's organizational perception in promoting the integration of the nation and providing the organization with directions in various political contestations. The history of Kiai of NU's involvement in fighting for politics in Indonesia proves their existence as informal leaders amidst their community. Moreover, siyasah aliyah samiyah as NU's high-level politics could be benefited as a political tool of Kiai of NU in addressing NU's political model. This study aims at conducting a comprehensive exploration of the role concept of siyasah aliyah samiyah as Kiai of NU's political tool as well as providing a critical analysis of Gramsci's theory of hegemony towards the role of siyasah aliyah samiyah in their political attitude. This is also a qualitative research of philosophy that identifies an actual problem within a community. The data were collected by doing interviews, making observations, and documentations. The data were subsequently analyzed using the methods of philosophical hermeneutics including descriptive, internal coherence, interpretation, and heuristics. The concept of siyasah aliyah samiyah plays a role as NU's political tool in keeping an eye on NU's politics to return to the khittah of NU in 1926. Kiai NU takes advantage of the concept of siyasah aliyah samiyah to enunciate a concept of politics that prioritizes the country over practical political interest. They exist within their community as traditional intellectuals who apparently have strong historical and political backgrounds. Furthermore, the combination of the concept of siyasah aliyah samiyah and the traditional intellectuals of Kiai NU could create a hegemony within their community as the dominant part. Eventually, the existence of Kiai of NU and their concept of siyasah aliyah samiyah could feasibly develop political engineering through political narratives they create. Therefore, Kiai NU could easily transfer political values and ideology to their community.
Kata Kunci : Siyasah aliyah Samiyah, Politik NU, Kiai NU, Hegemoni Gramsci/Siyasah aliyah Samiyah, NU's Political ideology, Kiai of NU, Gramsci's theory of hegemony