Posisi Sejarawan Eks-koloni Terhadap Imagined Communities Karya Benedict Anderson
BIAN NUGROHO, Rizal Mustansyir, M.Hum
2020 | Skripsi | S1 FILSAFATImagined Communities karya Benedict Anderson memberikan angina segar bagi diskursus nasionalisme karena Imagined Communities melakukan pendekatan kultural historis dalam melihat pergerakan nasionalisme selama ini. Pasca terbitnya Imagined Communities karya Aderson mendapat kritik keras dari kelompok sejarawan pascakolonial India Subaltern Studies Group. Anderson dianggap menodai semangat dekolonialisasi negara eks-koloni yang berusaha lepas dari bayang-bayang negara kolonialnya dulu. Jenis penelitian ini adalah historis faktual ketokohan. Jenis penelitian historis faktual ketokohan merupakan penelitian terhadap perdebabtan aksiologis pemikiran seorang sejarawan. Pemikiran Benedict Anderson mengenai akar kultural historis nasionalisme dalam penelitian ini digali lewat karya-karyanya ataupun karya-karya mengenainya. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan empat tahap, yaitu pengumpulan data, pengelompokan data serta mengolah data ke dalam analisis. Pengolahan data atau analisis menggunakan empat unsur metodis, yaitu deskripsi, Interpretasi dan holistika serta heuristika. Penelitian ini secara garis besar menghasilkan dua kesimpulan pokok. Pertama, kritik aksiologi terhadap Imagined Communities yang dilakukan kelompok sejarawan Pascakolonial India Subaltern Studies Group membuka kedok arus ilmu pengetahuan selama ini yang memiliki tendensi nilai eurosentrisme yang dianggap merugikan negara eks-koloni. Kedua, Benedict Anderson memberikan penawaran bagi para sejarawan negara eks-koloni ketika melakukan penulisan sejarah bangsanya sendiri dengan keluar dari semangat lokalitas yang cenderung eklusif dan melihat pergerakan sejarah global yang terjadi pada masanya.
Benedict Anderson's Imagined Communities provides fresh angina for the discourse of nationalism because Anderson takes a historical cultural approach in seeing the nationalism movement so far. After the publication of Aderson's Imagined Communities received strong criticism from the group of post-colonial Indian historians Subaltern Studies Group. Anderson is considered to tarnish the spirit of decolonialisation of the ex-colony state which is trying to escape from the shadow of its former colonial state. This type of research is historical factual figures. This type of historical factual research is a study of the axiological causes of the thought of a historian. Benedict Anderson's thoughts about the historical cultural roots of nationalism in this study were explored through his works or works about him. This research was conducted in four stages, namely data collection, data grouping and processing data into analysis. Data processing or analysis uses four methodical elements, namely description, interpretation and holistic and heuristics. This research outlines two main conclusions. First, the axiological criticism of Imagined Communities by the post-colonial Indian Subaltern Studies Group historian group unmasks the current flow of knowledge that has the tendency to value eurosentrism which is considered detrimental to the ex-colony state. Secondly, Benedict Anderson offers offers for historians of ex-colony countries when writing the history of their own people out of the spirit of locality which tends to be exclusive and looks at the global historical movements that occurred at that time.
Kata Kunci : Imagined Communities, aksiologi, eurocentrisme, Sejarah, nasionalisme, Subaltern Studies Group Imagined Communities, Axiology, Eurocentrism, History, Nationalism, Subaltern Studies Group