Relasi Manusia Dengan Tuhan Dalam Tasawuf Falsafi Syed Muhammad Naquib Al-Attas
Abdul Aziz, Drs. Mustofa Anshori Lidinillah, M.Hum
2020 | Skripsi | S1 FILSAFATINTISARI Skripsi ini diberi judul : Relasi Manusia Dengan Tuhan dalam Tasawuf Falsafi Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas. Pentingnya penelitian ini adalah bahwa Naquib al-Attas merupakan tokoh muslim Melayu yang memiliki pemikiran tasawuf falsafi yang cenderung terlupakan. Selain itu, pemikirannya tentang tasawuf falsafi sangat relevan dengan orang-orang melayu, sehingga perlu dipertahankan. Rumusan masalah yang diajukan dalam penelitian ini adalah (1) Bagaimana konsepsi secara umum tentang manusia dan ketuhanan? (2) Apa dasar filosofis tasawuf Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas? (3) Bagaimana konsepsi dan praktik tasawuf Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas tentang relasi manusia dengan Tuhan? Model penelitian yang dipilih adalah model penelitian kepustakaan, jenis penelitian kualitatif dan metode hermeneutik filsafati. Bahan penelitian diambil dari buku-buku, tulisan-tulisan dan penelitian tentang pemikiran Naquib al-Attas. Peneliti menggunakan unsur-unsur metode penelitian yang meliputi analisis, interpretasi dan deskripsi. Menurut Naquib Al-Attas, manusia adalah makhluk yang paling sempurna, karena ia memiliki dua sifat, yaitu jiwa dan raga yang disebutnya Two-Nature, juga memiliki akal budi. Sementara itu, Tuhan adalah Pencipta dan Pemberi karunia kepada manusia, termasuk akal budi. Dasar filosofis tasawuf Al-Attas adalah bahwa adanya jiwa atau roh bagi manusia, maka sangat dimungkinkan untuk melakukan relasi dengan Tuhan. Konsep tasawuf falsafi Al-Attas digambarkan dengan tiga fase perkembangan yang meliputi fase ascetisme, mistisisme dan culmination. Substansinya menggambarkan perbuatan moral dan pengalaman mistis dalam bentuk perbuatan etis, estetis dan ittihadul wujud. Konsep tasawuf falsafinya ini dapat diaplikasikan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, yaitu dengan tekun beribadah, penguasaan ilmu pengetahuan, kepedulian sosial, dan mengarahka perilaku kita hanya tertuju kepada Allah dalam upaya mendapatkan keridhoan-Nya. Kata Kunci: Relasi Manusia dan Tuhan, Two Nature, Tasawuf Falsafi.
ABSTRACT This mini thesis is entitled: Human Relations With God in Tasawuf Falsafi Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas. The importance of this study is that Naquib al-Attas is a figure of Muslim Malay who has tasawuf philosophical thinking, which tends to be forgotten, as covered by his thinking about Islamization of knowledge. Moreover, his thinking about tasawuf falsafi is highly relevant to the Malays, so it needs to be maintained. The problem formulas proposed in this study are (1) How is the conception in general of humans and God? (2) What is the philosophical basis of Tasawuf Falsafi Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas? (3) How is the conception and application of tasawuf falsafi Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas about the human relationship with God? The research model used is librarian, which qualitative and hermeneutic philosophy methods. The research materials derived from books, writings and research on the thinking of Naquib al-Attas. The researchers used elements of research methods that included analysis, interpretation and descriptions. According to Naquib al-Attas , humans are the perfect creature, because it has two features; those are the soul and the body, called Two-Nature and also have intelligence. Meanwhile, God as Creator and Giver of bounty to humankind, including the intelligence. The philosophical basis of tasawuf Al-Attas is that there is a soul or spirit for humans, so it is possible to have a relationship with God. Other than that, with intelligence, people can understand the revelation about the relationship between humans and God, which is actually very close. Furthermore, the concept of tasawuf falsafi Al-Attas is described by three phases of growth and development; they are asceticism , mysticism, and culmination , which substantially describes the conception of ethics, aesthetics and Ittihadul wujud . The concept of this tasawuf falsafi can be applied in everyday life by worshipping diligently, mastering of knowledge, creating social awareness, and directing our deed to God only as an attempt to get His pleasure. Key words : Human and God Relation, Two-Nature, Tasawuf Falsafi.
Kata Kunci : Relasi Manusia dan Tuhan, Two Nature, Tasawuf Falsafi.