GILANG NUGRAHA, Prof. Dr. Ir. F. X. Wagiman, S. U.
2019 | Skripsi | S1 PROTEKSI TANAMANKopi arabika merupakan salah satu komoditas unggulan di Indonesia. Tingkat konsumsi kopi arabika mencapai 70% di seluruh dunia. Salah satu kendala produksi kopi adalah serangan hama penggerek buah kopi (PBKo) (Hypothenemus hampei). Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui daya tarik warna buah kopi dan perangkap atraktan (etanol 500 g/l) terhadap PBKo. Penelitian dilakukan pada kebun kopi Arabika Suroloyo, Samigaluh, Kulonprogo, dengan elevasi 1.019 mdpl. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan Percobaan RCBD. Percobaan pertama, perlakuan adalah warna buah kopi yaitu hijau, kuning, orange, merah, dengan 12 ulangan. Percobaan kedua, perlakuan adalah warna perangkap atraktan yaitu bening, hijau, kuning, orange, merah, dengan empat ulangan. Daya tarik warna buah kopi ditunjukkan oleh intensitas kerusakan PBKo, sedangkan daya tarik warna perangkap ditunjukkan oleh jumlah imago PBKo tertangkap. Jumlah imago PBKo tertangkap diambil dan dihitung pada pagi hari pukul 06.00-07.00 WIB dan petang hari pukul 17.00-18.00 WIB selama 15 hari berturut-turut. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa warna buah kopi berpengaruh signifikan terhadap ketertarikan PBKo; intensitas kerusakan pada buah hijau (46%), buah orange (49%) dan buah merah (57%) relatif sama, intensitas kerusakan ketiga warna buah kopi tersebut signifikan lebih tinggi daripada buah kuning (34%). Warna perangkap tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap aktivitas imago PBKo pada malam hari, tetapi sangat berpengaruh signifikan terhadap aktivitas pada siang hari. Jumlah imago PBKo tertangkap per perangkap per 12 jam pada pengamatan petang hari dalam perangkap merah (14 ekor) relatif sama dengan orange (11 ekor) dan keduanya signifikan lebih banyak daripada perangkap kuning (6 ekor), hijau (5 ekor) dan bening (6 ekor)
Arabica coffee is one of the leading commodities in Indonesia. Level of consumption of Arabica coffee reaches 70% worldwide. One of the problems of coffee production is the attack of coffee fruit borer (CFB) (Hypothenemus hampei). The objective of this study was to determine the attractiveness of coffee fruit color and attractant (ethanol 500 g / l) traps colors to CFB. The study was conducted in the Arabica coffee plantation Suroloyo, Samigaluh, Kulonprogo, Indonesia, with an elevation of 1,019 m above sea level. The trials used a RCBD experimental design. The first trial, the treatment was the color of coffee fruits namely green, yellow, orange, and red, with 12 replications. Tthe second trial, the treatment was the color of attractant traps namely transparent, green, yellow, orange, and red, with four replications. The number of adult CFB caught was taken and counted in the morning at 06.00-07.00 a.m. of West Indonesian Time (WIT) and in the afternoon at 17.00-18.00 p.m. WIT for 15 consecutive days. Results showed that the color of coffee fruit had a significant effect on the adult CFB attracted to the fruit color; damage intensity rates on green fruits (46%), orange fruits (49%), and red fruits (57%) were relatively the same, and damage intensity rates of the three color fruits were significantly higher than that of the yellow fruits (34%). The trap colors did not significantly influence the adult CFB activity at night, but they had a significant effect on the activity during the day. The number of adult CFB caught per trap per 12 hours in the evening observations in the red trap (14 individuals) was relatively the same as orange trap (11 individuals), both of these colors were significantly more than yellow trap (6 individuals), green trap (5 individuals) and transparent trap (6 individuals)
Kata Kunci : Hypothenemus hampei, kopi Arabika, perangkap atraktan