RAFIE MIKRAM SANI, I Made Andi Arsana, ST., ME., Ph.D
2018 | Skripsi | S1 TEKNIK GEODESIUNCLOS (United Nation Convention of the Law of the Sea) merupakan konvesi hukum laut komprehensif yang mengatur kawasan maritim yang menjadi hak negara pantai. Berdasarkan UNCLOS, sebuah negara pantai berhak atas laut teritorial (hingga 12 mil laut), zona tambahan (hingga 24 mil laut), Zona Ekonomi Eksklusif atau ZEE (hingga 200 mil laut), dan landas kontinen atau dasar laut yang lebarnya bisa lebih dari 200 mil laut. Dengan posisi geografisnya, Indonesia tidak bisa melakukan klaim secara maksimal pada setiap segmenya. Indonesia memiliki potensi klaim maritim yang tumpang tindih dengan sepuluh negara tetangga yaitu India, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapura, Vietnam, Filipina, Palau, Papua Nugini, Australia dan Timor Leste. Salah satu klaim tumpang tindih yang terjadi karena adanya klaim tiga negara yaitu di Selat Singapura Segmen Timur. Kawasan klaim tumpang tindih terjadi karena Indonesia, Singapura dan Malaysia memiliki klaim sendiri (unilateral). Indonesia mengklaim garis tengah (median line) antara Indonesia dan Malaysia dengan menerbitkan Peta NKRI tahun 2017, sedangkan Malaysia dengan adanya Peta 1979. Proses delimitasi laut teritorial di Selat Singapura bertambah rumit dengan adanya fitur maritim seperti Pedra Branca (PB), Middle Rocks (MR) dan South Ledge (SL) yang dapat mempengaruhi delimitasi batas laut teritorial. Kepemilikan atas fitur maritim tersebut telah diputuskan oleh Internasional Court of Justice (ICJ) pada 23 Mei 2008. Penyelesaian delimitasi batas maritim dapat dilakukan dengan cara negosiasi, mediasi, arbitrase dan bantuan lembaga peradilan internasional seperti mahkamah internasional atau ITLOS. Dalam penelitian kali ini, metode yang digunakan untuk menyelesaikan delimitasi batas laut teritorial antara Indonesia, Malaysia dan Singapura menggunakan metode median line seperti yang diatur di Pasal 15 UNCLOS. Proses delimitasi pada penelitian ini menekankan pada aspek geospasial dan legal. Hasil dari penelitian ini akan menampilkan simulasi klaim maritim oleh masing-masing negara berdasrkan konvensi PBB tentang Hukum Laut 1982 dan menyampaikan opsi-opsi delimitasi batas maritim antara ketiga negara serta peran pulau, karang dan low tide elevation (LTE) dalam penentuan batas maritim khususnya laut teritorial.
UNCLOS (United Nation Convention of the Law of the Sea) is a comprehensive convention regarding the law of the sea that organizes the maritim territory of a coastal state. Under UNCLOS, a coastal state is entitled to teritorial sea (up to 12 nautical miles), contiguas zone (up to 24 nautical miles), Exclusive Economic Zone or ZEE (up to 200 nautical miles), and continental shelf or seabed that can extend beyond 200 nautical miles. According to its geographical position, it is impossible for Indonesia to claim maximally, based on the UNCLOS on every segment/location around the country. Indonesia has the potential of overlapping maritim claims with ten neighboring states such as India, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam, Philippines, Palau, Papua New, Australia and Timor Leste. One of the overlapping claims that occurred because of the claims by three states is in the Singapore Strait (East Segment). Overlapping claim area occurs because Indonesia, Singapore and Malaysia have their own claim (unilateral). Indonesia claimed the median line between Indonesia and Malaysia as shown on its published NKRI map in 2017, while Malaysia did it with its 1979 map. The process of teritorial sea delimitation in the Singapore Strait becomes more complicated due to the existence of features such as Pedra Branca (PB), Middle Rocks (MR ) and South Ledge (SL) that can affect the boundary delimitation of the teritorial sea. The sovereignity over the features has been decided by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on May 23, 2008. The maritim boundary delimitation can be done by several ways such as negotiation, mediation, arbitration and international judicial such as International Court of Justice or ITLOS. In this research, the method used to settle delimitation of the teritorial sea boundary between Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore is the median line method, as governed by Article 15 of UNCLOS. The process of delimitation in this research emphasises on geospatial and legal aspects. The results of this reasearch are the simulation of maritim claims by each states based on the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982 and several options of maritim boundary delimitation among three states and considered effect of island, reef and low tide elevation (LTE) in maritim boundary, especially teritorial sea.
Kata Kunci : delimitation, Singapore Strait, territorial sea, geospasial, convention of the sea